Upper Hand by The Boch
Summary: Sam has always had the upper hand on O'Neill, maybe the time loops can get him some leverage.
Categories: Jack/Sam Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Angst
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 0 Read: 911 Published: 2003.09.14 Updated: 2003.09.14

1. Upper Hand by The Boch

Upper Hand by The Boch
Upper Hand

Upper Hand

by The Boch

Summary: Sam has always had the upper hand on O'Neill, maybe the time loops can get him some leverage.
Category: Angst, Humor, Missing Scene/Epilogue, Romance
Episode Related: 406 Window of Opportunity
Season: Season 4
Pairing: Jack/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 09/14/03

"Anyway, I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Daniel asked.
O'Neill got up and left Daniel and Carter asking him "Where are you going?" and went straight to a computer and typed up his resignation. 'This time I'll retire sooner' he thought.
He walked straight into General Hammond's office and handed it to him. "What's this?" the General asked. Just then Carter came in. "Sir what was so important in General Hammond's office?" she asked looking puzzled. Jack responded to both questions in turn by saying "It's my resignation." Both Carter and Hammond looked puzzled and asked "Why?!" "So I can do this." he said as he grabbed Carter and laid an overpoweringly heated kiss as he dipped her down as well.
After he was done Carter just stood there dazed He let her go and General Hammond just stared at him. "Colonel, what exactly was that?" Jack responded with "Your right, that one was no good" he then grabbed Sam again and gave her an even more heated kiss, if it was even possible, and then let her go again. Then said "See ya!" and walked out of the office. "Major, do you have any idea what that was about?" he asked after he left. "None, sir." she responded as she stood there slightly dazed by what had just happened. Sam caught up with the Colonel moments later, "What's this about, sir?" she asked him. "Oh, I think you know what this is about, Carter." He shot back smugly and continued down the hall.
"Sir," she said as she caught up again, "I don't think this is the right way to go about things, SG-1 needs you."
"Oh, and it'll have me again in say 9 hours. Besides it's really up to you to make the next move. I'll be in my base quarters if you want to do that again. Oh, and say hi to SG-12 when they come through the Stargate" just as the incoming traveler alarm sounded. Sam didn't know exactly what to do her emotions were conflicted. She didn't understand how the Colonel knew SG-12 was about to come home early but she also had other issues on her mind. "I'll be in my base quarters if you want to do that again." he had told her. On one side he had resigned so as not to break any regulations when he kissed her, but then she had hoped that the situation would be different. 'Well Sam he said he'd do something in 4 and a half hours that would him back on the team. But should I take the risk?' she thought to herself. Well he had given her a timetable. What was he going to do? Re-enlist after that time limit. But she knew in her heart that if waited to find out that she'd regret it for the rest of her life. "Oh what the hell" she thought out loud. She knocked on the Colonel's, or maybe it was Jack's, door. "Come in Sam." called Jack. He had been expecting her. "Uh, hi, Colonel ..." "It's Jack now I retired ... again." he interrupted. "Right I just thought I'd check in to see if I could change your mind" she said. "Sorry but my mind's made up" he retorted. "Good." she said back as she proceeded to kiss the Jack repeatedly.
"Teal'c, have you seen Major Carter or O'Neill? General Hammond asked. "No, I have not Generalhammond." Teal'c responded. "I understand that our mission has been canceled due in part to ColonelO'Neill's retirement. I believe that O'Neill might have gone home." "I know I've sent people there. If he is home than he isn't answering the door." General Hammond responded. "Do you have any idea why he would retire?" he asked. "Yes, I believe he would like a relationship with Samanthacarter. The regulations of your military forbid them unless one is not in the military. Am I not correct?" Teal'c answered. "Well yes, but why right now?" he asked back. "I know not his reasoning for this timing, Generalhammond." Teal'c lied. Only one minute left, he just spent the last four hours and twenty-nine minutes in bed with his former 2IC. They hadn't done anything but made out; maybe because the Major had been working way too hard she had taken his advice and had taken a nap, all though he did find she talked in her sleep. She had murmured something about hoping he wouldn't find out the mole on her upper thigh. He smiled at that. They had made out for the last three hours an hour nap wouldn't hurt anything 'And in one minute she won't remember a damn minute of what we've just been doing.' "C'est la vie." he said out loud. She was still asleep at the moment. Maybe that would make it easier. Just then General Hammond came in. "What the Hell is going on in here?" he yelled waking Sam up. "We can explain, sir." Sam responded "We won't need to because everyone's going to forget it in 5...4...3...2...1." Jack said. Nothing happened as Sam and General Hammond stared at him. "I've really got to get this thing fixed" he said as he blinked.

He opened his eyes to find Daniel Jackson asking him "Anyway, I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" Colonel O'Neill responded by turning to Major Carter and saying "That's a nice mole you have on your thigh Sam." Sam gave him a shocked look and gave him a raised eyebrow. He then walked out of the Commissary. "I've seen you in a dress Sam, and you don't have a mole on your thigh." Daniel stated. "It's on my UPPER thigh, Daniel" she said as she looked away. "Oh, Ohhhh!" he said figuring it out. "How did he know about it?" "I don't know." She simply stated.

"Anyway, I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?" asked Daniel Jackson. Colonel O'Neill put down his spoon and simply started to stare at Major Carter and smiled. "What are you smiling at?"Nothin'." he responded

"...were you ever tempted to...um...do something crazy? I mean...you could do anything without worrying about consequences..."

Jack looked at Sam without worrying what Daniel thought.

"You know, it's funny, you asked me that before."


Jack thought of all the time loops and the lingering memories of when he had gotten up the nerve to kiss her. And the make out session and watching her sleep had been enjoyable to. He noticed Sam curiously looking at him and wondering why he was staring at her. Without saying anything, he smiled and took another bite of oatmeal. An hour later Colonel O'Neill knocked on the door to Major Carter's lab. "Come in." called Sam. "Hello, Carter how's it going?" Jack asked. "Fine, just catching up on some work." she answered. "You know I wanted to talk to you about something." She looked at him and asked "What?" "Well I was in about a bazillion loops right and I can remember a lot of them. So I was wondering how I could use this information." He said smiling. "And what information did you get, sir." she asked. "Well other than learning Latin and actually learning what some of what you say means, I can only come up with one word of true importance: Mole. I'll leave the rest to your imagination." He said as he turned to walk out. "Sir, how'd you find out about that?" she asked him astonished. "I don't know what you mean?" he said as he continued to walk. "Seriously, sir why would I've told you that?" She asked again. "Don't know what you're talking about" he said smiling as he continued walking. "Sir! Come on please Sir! Sir, please tell me! Come on! Jack, Jack?" She yelled as he walked down the hall. For the first time since he'd met Carter he had the upper hand. And maybe he'd never actually seen what he was talking about, but she'd never know that and he still had hope that maybe one day he would actually see it.

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to The Boch
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