Pie Doesn't Just Happen by Geonn

Jack is stunned to discover a holiday he's never heard about.

Categories: Team - Seasons 1-5, 7-8 Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Season 8
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 489 Read: 1541 Published: 2008.03.14 Updated: 2008.03.14
Story Notes:

Someone mentioned this holiday and I could not let it go by without writing a Sam-based drabble.

Chapter 1 by Geonn

Jack O'Neill was sure something was up. Pie didn't just happen.


When he arrived at the base, he was shocked to discover that three homemade pies were sitting on a table across from the elevator doors. He stopped, jacket draped over his arm, and looked around for an explanation. "Siler," he said. "What's up with the pie?"


"Colonel Carter brought it, sir," the sergeant said as he continued on his way.


"Carter...? Carter doesn't bake..." He continued down the corridor and saw most of the support staff were leaning against the walls, paper plate and plastic forks in hand, eating slices of pie. Some were a la mode, others just had a bit of whipped cream. There was apple, pumpkin, cherry and rhubarb. He spotted one person with pecan, and another finishing off what looked like blueberry.


In the control room, Walter quickly put down his pie and said, "Sir. Sorry..."


"Don't be," Jack looked at the pie and saw another table set up near the star map. Six pie pans, most of them empty or with only one slice left, glinted in the light of the computers. "Walter, what is going on?"


"Colonel Carter brought them in," Walter said.


Jack frowned and continued up to the briefing room. Daniel, Sam and Teal'c were at the head of the table. Daniel had a mouthful, but still tried to say hello when he spotted Jack. He waved his hand and gestured at his plate. "Gweat pah," he muttered.


Sam saw him and grinned. "General! Happy Pi Day."


"There's a pie day?" Jack said as he approached the table. Two more pies - blackberry and banana cream - flanked his usual seat. "Why did I not know of this before?"


"Not pie, p-i-e," Sam said. "Pi. Three-point-one-four-one-five... et cetera." She grinned. "Today is 3/14. Granted, the big day will be in ten years when the date is 3-14-15, but for now..." She held her hands out to indicate the pies.


Jack smirked and said, "Pi Day. Right... When did you have time to bake all of these?"


"Well, Cassandra helped."


"Right," Jack went into his office to deposit his jacket, and found a covered plate sitting in the middle of his desk blotter. He lifted the cover and said, "Oh, my stars and garters..." It was a lemon meringue pie. Beautiful and perfect, like it had just been lifted out of his grandmother's cookbook. He looked up and saw Carter waiting in the doorway. She grinned and said, "Happy Pi Day, General."


Jack smiled and said, "Happy Pi Day, Carter." She smiled and left the doorway to rejoin her team at the briefing room table. Jack pulled out his chair, picked up the plastic fork that Sam had left for him and dug into the pie.


March 14 was going to become his favorite holiday, he just knew it.

This story archived at http://sg1-heliopolis.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=4340