Boredom by LuckyFoot

SG-1 attempts to entertain themselves waiting for there mission to begin.

Categories: Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, Teal'c Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Tealc
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: Any Season
Warnings: none
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 385 Read: 1613 Published: 2008.03.04 Updated: 2008.03.04
Boredom by LuckyFoot
“…Oh and it can fly.” Colonel Jack O’Neill finished his statement. He was sitting in one of the multitude of chairs in Daniel’s office/workroom. The rest of SG-1 was present sitting around creating a loose circle.

“Flies?” Samantha Carter said. “And it’s something we know of?”

“Sure.” Jack said with a small grin.

Daniel and Sam stared at the floor thinking and muttering to themselves different words Teal’C remained silent while leaning against the counter.

“An insect?” Carter asked.


“An Airplane.” Daniel guessed.


“A satellite.”






“Hecate the goddess of crossroads and flight.”

Everybody turned to look at Daniel and his eyes shifted between the two.

“The goddess of crossroads and flight?” Jack asked sarcastically.

“It’s just a wild guess.” Daniel sighed leaning on is hand and drumming his fingers on the desk he was beside.

“Sure was.” O’Neill answered turning to look at Sam waiting for her next guess.

“I give up.” She said exhasperated.

“It’s a fish.”

“A fish?!” everybody chimed.

“Yeah, ever heard of flying fish?” Jack asked with a shrug.

“Jack, did anyone ever tell you that you’re infuriating?” Daniel asked sitting up in his seat.

“Indeed.” Teal’C seconded.

“You got something better that doesn’t have to deal with the goddess of pavement and planes?”

“Crossroads and flight, Jack.”


“I got one.” Carter spoke up.

“Forget it.” Jack said. “It’s gonna have to do with that astro-physics stuff like your last one. How was I supposed to guess constituent quark masses?”

Carter shrugged embarressed.

“Don’t blame, Carter. She’s got her area of expertise.” Daniel said stepping in to defend his friend.

“And what was up with Akkadian cuneiform of 2500BC?” Jack shot back.

“Well, Sam almost got it and I thought it was good.” Daniel answered.

“You would.”

Carter turned to Teal’C. “What about you? Wanna take a try?”

Teal’C stared at her for a minute and raised his one eyebrow. He then spoke. “I am thinking of something that is ridiculous and should be stopped immediately.”

The three others thought for a minute as Sam stared confused at Teal’C.

Jack spoke first. “Well, what is it Teal’C.”

“This game.”

With that, the rest burst out laughing.
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