Niether Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie by Obsessed
Summary: Sam makes a wish (before you say anything, yes there is wishing involved but give it a go.)
Categories: Jack/Sam Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Romance
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 0 Read: 694 Published: 2002.10.23 Updated: 2002.10.23
Niether Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie by Obsessed
Niether Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie

Niether Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie

by obsessed

Title: Niether Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie
Author: obsessed
Category: Romance
Season: any Season
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Sam makes a wish (before you say anything, yes there is wishing involved but give it a go.)
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).

CATEGORY: romance
CONTENT WARNINGS: it's not very good
DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN THESE PEOPLE. I just really, really love them and am borrowing them. Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. AUTHOR'S NOTES: Now I don't know if you'll know what I'm on about with the fairies, I don't actually know what they're called, but they are white, fluffy and float about and it if you catch one you get a wish. The argument of sugar daddies or fairies is something me and my fianc have argued about and that's where the story came from, that and sitting outside the laundrette in the summer watching them go by was in the back of my mind the entire time. Anyway, say what you see and tell me what you think, cheers.

This story was brought to you by half term, giving san author time to type.....

Neither Sugar Daddy Nor Fairie

I watched the sugar daddy fly through the air, passing me by without a second thought, i try and catch it but usual. I have come to call them sugar daddies after a long and tiring debate with Jack. I always called them fairies as a child, little seeds, with long white lengths of plant attached to them, giving them enough lift to be able to fly through the air with the smallest of breezes. They even look like fairies, and sometimes i still call them that in front of Jack, to tease him, to argue with him. I love his face when he tries to convince me to call them sugar daddies, even though he hasn't come up with the reason why he calls them that. I don't mind either way what they, they do the same thing, you try to catch them, so often failing, and make a wish. Sometimes, you spend all afternoon trying to catch them, such was childhood. Now I can only try as they pass me by. I would love to spend an afternoon recklessly trying to catch sugar daddies. But i have no one to catch them with and I know any wish I made would not come true. Mores the pity.

Another comes past me, that's the seventh today, I have the time to count them at least, which is a lot, but this isn't home, this is another world and the fact there are sugar daddies here is pretty amazing. But then nearly every planet we go to has trees, much to Jack's annoyance, so maybe its not so strange. I try to catch it again but fail, it's starting to get on my nerves now. I look up and clock Jack looking at me, he smiles but i don't smile back, I'm not supposed to, not like i want too.

"got a wish in mind carter?" he asks.

"it would nice to have the chance" i say. I do have a wish in mind, the same one i think about everyday i wake up alone, every time i get into an empty bed at night. The same wish for the past 3 years. Course i can't tell him that, but i can remind myself.

"well if you catch two, let me have the other" he obviously has a wish in mind. And i would love to know what it is, but then that's the rule of wishes, you can't tell anyone what they are, or they definitely won't come true. I can hope to what it is. That's all i have now-a days, hope and my imagination.

I turn to see where they are all coming from, the wind is pushing them our way and i see another coming towards me. I get ready to catch it, annoyed at my military training for not preparing me for this and as it approaches, reach out to grab it. I miss, i could've sworn it swerved. Dam. I can hear Jack laughing, i turn and he's grinning, this time i do smile, i can't help it, he's so wonderful.

"bad luck" he says. He comes and stands beside me. We both watch as another heads our way.

"don't we have work to do sir?" i ask as he pulls his sleeves up and gets himself in a position to catch something, like a baseball. I watch as a sugar daddy appears, the sun has really brought them out on this planet.

"in a minute" he says, i smile and get ready to catch the sugar daddy. As it nears, Jack dives forward to grab it but i feel something different, like something told me i shouldn't bother and i didn't. I hold my hand out and the catch it easily and carefully, i close my hand around it. Jack looks up at me from where he had landed and i laugh.

"nice catch" he says. I smile.

"Thankyou" i say "do you want it?" i hold out my hand for him to take it.

"you caught it, it's your wish" he smiles. He watches me carefully, and i look at my hand and the sugar daddy inside. I wish Jack and i could be together, forever, please. I open my hand and let the sugar daddy fly away again.

"what did you wish for?" he asks

"I'm not allowed to tell am i? Or it won't come true" and i really want it to come true. He smiles

"lets go back to work" he says

"don't you want to catch a fairy sir?" i grin

"no, I'm sure your wish was pretty big, they'll be busy" he says. "and anyway, they're sugar daddies" i smile and go back to the work i was doing before i got distracted.

The sugar daddy that Sam had caught flew away into air again and carried on its path. "sugar daddies, fairies" it chuckled to itself. It wandered through the air and came down on the ground quite away from sg-1, floating down into a small hole and landing deftly on the soil. It took of its long coat to reveal it's tiny frame, tiny wings, tiny legs and tiny arms. He smiled as he walked up to the desk where another of its kind sat surrounded by paper work. The other didn't look up as he was looked upon.

"i got a really important one" the first said.

"Jem, they're all important to you" the other said. Jem frowned.

"come on Met, this is a big one, lemme jump"

"no, no more jumping, we have a back log as it is, and if you were doing what you were supposed to, you'd be recruiting more desk men, instead bringing more work in"
"i can't help it, they're so lost sometimes" "they're all lost if they want a wish" Met said. "come on Jem, i can't let you jump anymore, we'll both be fired soon" "alright, alright" he said. "i'll fill in the appropriate paperwork" he said. Met handed him a small pile of forms and a pen, Jem took them and went to sit at an empty desk behind Met. "when i grow up, i want to be a Mereesh and do lots of paperwork" he moaned to himself. "Jem, give it up and do the paper work, the glam days of Mereesh's are over" Met said turning to face him. "if she really wants and deserves it, she'll get her wish" he said. "she'll just have to wait" "she was so pretty though and gentle" he said "don't start with this again, remember what happened the last time you found one pretty" "yeah, yeah and I'm still here, i know" Met smiled and turned back to work. "okay" he said to himself. "name...."

Sg-1 trundled through the gate and home again, back to their own world, where the sugar daddies were just as hard to catch, and wishes were harder to come by.

Jem stood before his superior and shuffled his feet and looked at the ground. His glanced up quickly, Derin was still looking over the forms he'd filled in, almost three months ago, and the expenses forms. Derin looked at him and sighed.

"Met had told me you'd got the point after the last time, that you'd learnt from your mistakes"

"Derin sir, really, it's not like that this time, i promise"

"you've been to our sister station earth, seven times in the past month, Met himself told me the things you said about this wisher, how you wanted to jump the cue"

"i know, i understand, i filled out my forms for her, she'll have to wait, i just wanted to make sure someone was keeping an eye on her, that she was okay, she 's so lost, this is a big part of her life"

"You really expect us to pull something like this off? We don't even know their culture, their world, that's why it left to earth base"

"they wouldn't do it, i checked her records, she's wished for it before, so many times, they always bin the applications"

"Jem, no emotional involvement" Derin said

"what do they do down on the twelfth floor? Don't tell me they never use their emotions!" he cried

"there's no point getting angry with me"

"look why did you call me down here, just to yell at me for trying to help someone, the Mereesh were set up for that very purpose, our motto 'nicee emma top jun lovedv gtheso' helping more than our fellow man, or that's only apply to days were not snowed under"

"Jem, get out of my office, before you say something you'll regret, i don't want to lose you over this" Jem glared at Derin

"I'm going" he said. He turned and left to go topside into the fresh air.

Sam watched the sugar daddy floating across the sand, she looked around her, at Janet beside her and frowned. There was something very strange, a strange feeling in her belly. She watched it land beside her, she never took her eyes off it, she had the strangest feeling about it. A feeling of familiarity about it, like she had seen it before but that wasn't possible, was it? There had to be a billion of these things. Like snowflakes, you never saw the same one twice. Right? She shook her head and Janet raised an eyebrow, but the feeling stayed, and continued with her friend into the base, still glancing back to see the sugar daddy. She always found it in the sand, despite it's tiny size, as if it was calling to her, telling her where it was. She frowned, she had to forget about it and the wish. It was the wish that was probably making her think about it so much. She smiled sorrowfully.

"You okay Sam?" Janet asked.


"You wanna talk about it"

"I want to forget it" she said. "I have more important things to think about"

"O-kay" Janet said a little confused. Sam smiled, telling her it was okay and they carried on into the base.

"Where the hell is Jem?!" Derin cried storming up to Met's desk. Met remained quiet, he didn't actually know. Jem hadn't wanted to get him into trouble over keeping his friends confidence, this was not the first time he'd gone AWOL but Met knew. It was obvious. Derin looked over his face and frowned.

"Please don't tell me he's gone to Earth" he said.

"I won't, i don't know where he is, all i know is, he's not here" Met said.

"I don't need this" he said. "What does he think he's playing at?"

"He loves his work Derin. He's one of the few around here who do"

"What are you trying to say?" Derin asked accusingly. Met looked him up and down, before he'd never really thought much about him. Derin was just his boss, the next guy up in the chain. Now he was seeing him in a new light. This was just a position in society for him. Nothing more, nothing less and Mets words were threatening the validity of it. Jem's actions for chipping away at it.

"Jem has more guts than all of us. Maybe even more heart" he said. Derin glared at him and walked away.

Jack couldn't keep his eyes off Sam, he glanced across the debriefing room once or twice every second. He never normally had this trouble. He could usually control himself, keep his gazes and glances, short and few, he'd had the practice. But today something was different. Really different. He felt like something was controlling him, convincing him it was okay to continually look at her, that it was okay to enjoy doing so. And in this he felt like it was okay to be so attracted to her, to be in love with her. He smiled and looked around him before allowing his gaze to settle on Sam once again. No one seemed to notice him, he was getting away with it, he smiled again. This time Sam made eye contact with him. Often or not, Jack would grin and turn his gaze away quickly, making it out to be innocent. Instead, he kept her gaze, smiling at her. She was confused at this but smiled all the same. Today he was going to change something. Today was going to be a good day.

The pen found it's way into his hand rather than the other way around. He looked it over, wondering what he was planning to write, he had obviously forgotten to have his pen in his hand but nothing to write. Or had he? Something was coming to mind, something had been brought to his attention just this week. He searched his desk for the memo. He knew it was there and suddenly it was, he pulled it out and read it over again. He thought he'd have to fight with his desk more to find it. Never mind, he thought. The topic in hand was very clear to him. Before he'd had some reservations, some insecurities about the matter but now it was clear to him. Maybe he'd just needed the time to think it over, clear his mind. He began to write his reply memo.

Jem loved his work, he'd wanted to be a Mereesh since he could remember. And he had a good memory. He pushed everything and everyone, including himself, to the limits because he believed in it. This is why he liked Sam so much, why he cared so much. He believed she needed his help, that they all needed his help and he wanted to give them the time back that they'd wasted hoping for things to change.

So he broke the rules, jumped the cues and now he was floating about on Earth, a place he knew quite well now, watching Jack O'Neill skirt around Sam, the woman he had grown to love but he was afraid to admit it. He knew why, she was just like Myra in a million ways, blonde, pretty, strong and lost. His mother used to scold him for bringing lost strays into their home, he never learnt why it was wrong, even after Myra, he still hadn't. At least it was plutonic this time round, he knew it was going no where, Sam loved another. He tried to make the thoughts disappear and to concentrate on the job at hand, he watched as Jack did not do as he wanted.

"Kiss her" he said. The words whisked around the room. Jack looked around for them. Jem said them again, grinning. "Kiss her"

"Oh I'm going crazy" he said. Sam looked up at him from her file and frowned.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked.

"Er, not long" he said. Sam smiled at him.

"Are you okay?" he thought about the question, probably more than he needed to and sighed.


"What's wrong?"

"He wants to kiss you" Jem whispered near her. Sam looked around for him.

" Kiss her" he said to Jack.

"The gods honest truth, the voices I'm hearing are actually right, i want to kiss you"

"You're hearing voices too?" Sam said before realising what he had said.


"You want to kiss me?!" she said in surprise, the words finally twigging.

"Yes" he smiled.

"Go on" Jem urged. Sam and Jack looked at each other.

"In fact, i love you, you know i do, I'm sure you do, you do don't you?" he said nervously.

"I do" she smiled. "And you know i feel the same."

"But it doesn't change anything Carter" he said. Her face broke and so did Jack's heart. He hated doing that to her, spurning her. Jem frowned and slapped his forehead.

"For earths sake!" he cried. They looked around.

"Who's there?" Sam asked gingerly.

"Your friendly neighbourhood fairie Sam" Jem said. She frowned.

"What?" Jem paused before he spoke again, he knew what he was about to do was very, very wrong. Not only was he revealing himself to someone who wasn't a Mereesh, but someone who wasn't even his own kind.

"Sugar daddy, fairie, Mareesh, it's all the same and I'm one of them" his voice whispered around the room. "I believe you made a wish"

"Where are you?" Jack asked.

"I'm with you, i've been watching you" he said. "but i've already said too much" he sighed

"You, you're granting my wish" Sam said.

"I can't tell you anymore but i will say, you should go see your General Hammond" he said. "Both of you"

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Jem" he said. "My name is Jem" he said.

"It's nice to meet you" Sam said.

"Just go see the General Sam ,please" he said.

"Okay" she said softly. She looked at Jack and they walked out of the office together. Jem flopped onto his back, it was happening all over again, he was going to have to get out quick.

"What are we going to tell him?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea" Jack said.

"How about we love each other?"

"We need help, his help" he said, "If you want, i'll talk first, tell him i don't want to retire bout i will if i have too"

"I don't want you too"

"We can't go on like this" She smiled.

"No we can't" they looked up at Hammonds office door and knocked on it.

"Come in" he said. Jack opened the door and led Sam in. "Colonel, Major, how can i help?"

"We need your help" he said. "I can't live without Sam anymore and I'm not willing to" Hammond looked at them.

"Major Carter?"

"I feel the same" she said.

"Okay" he said. He had to think about it, about this, he'd seen something, but it hadn't been this.

"I love her" Jack said, glancing over at her.

"Do you understand what this means?" he asked.

"Yes sir" they said together.

"I am willing to retire if need be" Jack said. General Hammond frowned, he did not want to lose him.

"I don't suppose i could change your mind"

"No sir" he said. The General stood staring at them both, trying to think what to do when his fax machine kicked into life. They all glanced at it, then turned away again. But as it carried on delivering it's message, they all turned back to it again and made their way over to it, without realising what they were doing. Hammond ripped off the sheet of paper and looked at Sam and Jack who were looking over his shoulder.

"Do you mind?" he said, holding the fax from them.

"Sorry sir" they said, moving away from him. He looked at them, then down at the fax, he knew he should be dealing with them but he couldn't help himself, he felt he had to read this fax, that it was important to do so, despite the situation. As he read it, he smiled, it was important and it couldn't have come at a better time. Jack and Sam looked at each other, slightly confused.

"Good news sir?" Jack said. He looked at them and smiled.

"Very good news" he said. "I have just been given permission by the president to apply the fraternization rule where i see fit." Sam and Jack looked at one another. "And disregard it when necessary" he added. Jack tried not to smile, Sam was a little more successful.

"You can smile Major" Hammond said. "I don't plan to apply it with you too, as if i would" she grinned at him. "But"

"But" Jack said slightly dejected.

"But keep it professional on base, it's all i ask"

"All you ask" Jack said.

"You don't have to repeat everything i say Colonel"

"No sir, it's just, i was ready to retire, this is, this is"

"Not what we expected."

"I told you, you should go see the General" Jem whispered in her ear. The words didn't whisk around the room this time.

"Did you hear that?" she asked Jack.

"Wonderful isn't it?" he said. He smiled at her and Jem was forgotten for the moment.

"Dismissed" the general said, he smiled as they left the room as calmly as possible but ran up the corridor as quickly as they could. Jem watched them go, a little sorrow in his heart, Sam was out of reach completely.

Daniel picked up the pen without thinking, then he found a sheet of paper and began to write, he didn't realise at first. He was still reading his book, then suddenly he looked over and he was writing, writing a note to Sam. He continued to write it, he didn't stop himself. He wasn't sure if that was out of curiosity or if it was because he couldn't stop himself, regardless he kept writing. A name came out onto the paper, Ellen Jennings, he frowned, he didn't know a Myra Jennings but he kept writing. He came to the end and he didn't sign his own name, which he found odd. Instead he wrote Jem, then put his pen down.

I never told Jack about the wish, i couldn't explain Jem, but i had a fair idea but i've kept it to myself all these years. He tried to look for him, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, i no longer felt drawn to him anymore and i couldn't find him. Sometimes i think i can feel him but i think I'm just imagining it, he did something amazing for me. He left a note for me, Daniel said he felt compelled to write this note and sign it with Jem's name, i couldn't really explain to him either. Instead i went to look for Myra Jennings, i found her, it was like looking in a mirror and she knew Jem, but she wouldn't tell me much. She told me it hurt too much. That they both got hurt. That it wasn't too be. I think i can understand what she was trying to say. She told me she saw why i got my wish. And i see it too. Jem was falling for me and he'd fallen for this woman once. Now he'd gone back home. And i feel guilty but I'm not sure why, i got my wish but Jem hasn't got his, i got my Jack, but the person? Who got it for me hasn't got who he wants. I suppose that's why. But that was all so long ago now, but i can't help but think about it, think about him. He made my life what it is, he made my wish come true.

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to obsessed
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