In the pink - meeting and greeting (repost) by Julia Alien
Summary: This is a repost of "In the pink", in a slightly different format.
Categories: Jack/Sam Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Humor
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2460 Read: 638 Published: 2003.07.22 Updated: 2003.07.22
In the pink - meeting and greeting (repost) by Julia Alien
In the pink - meeting and greeting (repost)

In the pink - meeting and greeting (repost)

by Julia Alien

Summary: This is a repost of "In the pink", in a slightly different format.
Category: Humor
Season: future Season
Pairing: Jack/Sam
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author(s).
Archived on: 07/22/03

In the Pink - meeting and greeting
By Julia Alien

Ok, here's the deal. This is the first part of a story. The thing is, I'm not quite sure what's gonna happen in it. I have an idea, but I want your feedback and ideas too. So... if you are about to read this story, then be prepared to send feedback, I want lots of it. If I don't get any, I don't carry on the story. It's as simple as that. So Read and Feed people!

"Wow! Hot!"

"Thank you, Carter"
Carter blushed furiously and Daniel rolled his eyes at them. Ever since he got back he had noticed that they both flirted with each other increasingly on every mission.

"I believe Major carter was referring to the temperature of the planet, O'Neill." Teal'c said in his ever stoic voice.

Jack grinned and changed the subject. "So... where are the locals? Didn't the MALP show life forms?" He asked.

A young, tall blonde stepped out of the large pink bushes in front of the Stargate. She was wearing a sand-coloured dress which hung off only one shoulder, and went down to her knees. She also wore simple leather sandals, and wore a small tiara on her waist length blonde hair.

"I believe you are talking about us, male." She said, addressing Jack.
Jack looked around for the rest of 'us', but there was no-one there.

He turned to Daniel, raised his eyebrows and mouthed, "Male??" Daniel ignored him and got stuck in, "Hello, My name is Daniel Jackson. We are..."

"What are your intentions here?" The woman interrupted. "Um, yes I was just coming to that..." Daniel stuttered. "We are peaceful explorers looking for friends for our world."

"Where are you from? Are you Goa'uld? This one bears the mark of Apophis." The woman was quite pushy in her inquiries. Daniel stepped forward, and several people with what looked like weapons stepped out of the bushes.

"Do not move!" She said calmly. "They will shoot you." Daniel tried again, "We are from Earth, the Tau'ri and..." The people lowered their weapons at his words.

"Ah, Earth." The woman smiled. "We have heard much about your planet from Thor, the Asgard. I trust you know of him?" Jack stepped forward. "Yeah we're...buddies."

Daniel pushed Jack back. "You've met Thor?" "It was he who saved us from Apophis many years ago." "How did you..." Daniel was interrupted once more by the woman.

"I ask again, who is the one who bares the symbol of Apophis?" "This is Teal'c"
The locals' faces lit up. "Teal'c! The traitor of Apophis! The Shol'va! We have heard much about you from Thor also."

"How did Thor save you? I thought... " Jonas started to say, but was distracted when another tall woman, this time with dark long hair, stepped to the side of the blonde. This new woman was wearing little, only a crop top and mini skirt, in a shade of pink matching the extraordinary foliage around them.

The blonde woman then stepped forward and addressed Jack again. "Male, you are the leader of this band?" "Yes, my name is Colonel Jack O'Neill and..." The woman obviously had a habit of interrupting, as she did it again, but his time by exclaiming,
"ColonelJackONeill! Welcome!" and giving Jack a dramatic hug. "Whoa! Just call me Jack."

The blonde woman then stepped up to Teal'c, and gave him an equally huge hug. Teal'c simply raised his left eyebrow.

She next moved to face Daniel and hugged him. This woman also seemed to enjoy hugging strangers.
"You are not a warrior like the others, DanielJackson" "No, I'm and Archaeologist."
The woman looked puzzled at this long word. "Arkeeolololi..." "It means I study ancient artefacts and cultures, and just call me Daniel."
"Then you will be greatly fascinated in our culture and history will you not. I welcome you to our planet, Daniel."

Sam had assumed that the woman would welcome Jonas next, as she seemed to be addressing the men first. Sometimes she hated being the only woman in SG1. But the blonde, to Sam's surprise, side stepped and hugged her.

"Ah! At last a woman, the unequal numbers of men and women on your team is strange. Is your society patriarchal?" "It was," Sam replied, "but it is now improving. On my planet, more men do fighting than women, but I chose to join the Air Force."

"That is indeed strange. Here, men and women are equals. What is your name?"
"Major Samantha Carter, just call me Sam."

The still nameless blonde nodded to Sam and turned to Jonas, who was winking to the dark haired woman, but then turned his attention to the stunning figure in front of him.

"Hi!" He said. He had obviously been working on that charm. "I'm Jonas, What's your name?"

The blonde rolled her eyes (Eye-rolling seemed to be a universal thing), and stepped back, in view of the whole team.

"I am Amarelle, the queen of the Calorosian people, and this," she gestured to the dark haired woman, "is my friend and cousin Lara. You are very welcome in our world, Calorosa, and hope that our worlds can have a long and prosperous alliance. We are now preparation for the summer solstice festival, and hope that you will join us for it. If you do not wish to join us, please be so kind as to come back in two days, as we are far to busy to discuss a treaty now."

Colonel O'Neill took a look round at his team, and decided to go ahead and stay, but Daniel got there first as usual. "We would very much like to stay and learn about your cultures."

Amarelle smiled and asked them to follow her. Daniel stepped up front to join Amarelle, talking about the ancient history of the festival. She told him, in rather long and different words, that the festival was a wild party, with lots of drinking and dancing and such like.

Jack and Sam fell behind Daniel and Amarelle, and started to chat. "So... you think I'm hot, huh?" Jack was rubbing in what Sam had said earlier.
"As Teal'c said, Sir, I was referring to the temperature." She held back a grin that was forming.
"Yeah, it's really hot. How do these people cope?" "Well they don't really wear much."
"Yeah, I noticed... And what's with the pink bushes?" "I think I'll take some samples of those to take home, Sir." "Great... Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we take plant samples."

Jonas ran to catch up with Lara.
"Hi!" Lara giggled profusely and ran back to whisper with another girl, with red hair, who kept pointing at him and giggling some more.
Teal'c walked faster and caught up with Jonas. "Those girls behind you seem to be very interested in you, JonasQuinn."
"Yeah! I wonder why?" Jonas said somewhat sarcastically, he knew perfectly well that he was irresistible. "I believe it is because of your increasingly tight clothing, JonasQuinn. Are you able to breathe properly with so tight a shirt?" Both Sam and Jack snorted, overhearing their conversation.

As the group walked through the city, the group of men with weapons and giggling girls slowly dispersed into the Ancient Egyptian buildings, leaving only the members of SG-1, Amarelle and her cousin.
Daniel was fascinated by the culture that surrounded the world.

Soon, they got to what looked like a palace, with two guards stationed at the front. Amarelle took them into the large entrance hall of the palace, and then turned around to face them.

"Welcome to my palace. It is now time for our evening meal. I trust you will join us and meet the rest of my Council." She then turned to Lara. "Cousin, please would you go and ask the culinary staff to prepare the meal for our guests as well." Lara nodded and left through a side door.

Amarelle turned back to SG-1 and gestured for them to follow her. They walked through a magnificent pair of double doors into an extensive dining room, with a long table in it, big enough for about ten people. It was laid with a frilly cream cloth, with ten places set out, and five large plates of pink and yellow salad down the middle.

"Please be seated." Amarelle said as she sat down at the head of the table. Jack sat to her left, and Daniel sat to her right. Teal'c sat down next to Daniel, and was joined on his right by Jonas.

Jack jumped up to pull back Sam's chair to the left of him, to help her to sit down.
She giggled at his chivalry, and said "Thank you" shyly.

No sooner than he had sat down, Jack was on his feet again out of politeness as Amarelle rose, and everyone else copied. Daniel turned his head to the door to see what was happening, and saw four people walk in.

He recognised one of them, Lara, who had changed into a longer dress, down to her shins.
Jonas winked at her, and she smile charmingly back, and stood in a place next to Jonas.
The other three stood at the head of the table.

"My guests, these are the other members of the High Council. This is Councillor Lindona, our head apothecary and doctor." She was gesturing to an ageing woman dressed in robes, holding a staff, with her old grey hair tied in a loose and fraying bun.

Amarelle then gestured to the man to the left of Lindona. He was about six foot tall, and in his early forties. He was well built and wore a tunic made of leather. Around his waist he wore a belt holding a knife.

"This is Commander Kantono, the head of Calorosa's military, and this is my science advisor, Councillor Eghet."

Jack did a double take. "Egghead", he mouthed to Carter, who bit her lower lip to stop herself from grinning.

Eghet was a short, balding man, although he was only in his thirties. He grinned at Carter and waggled his eyebrows.

Sam fought back the urge to snort.
Jack looked suddenly annoyed.
Jonas was preoccupied in staring at his reflection in the shiny plate. Daniel rolled his eyes.
Teal'c (surprise, surprise) raised his left eyebrow.

The Council was introduced to SG-1 and everybody took their seats. Eghet on Sam's other side, accompanied by Commander Kantono to his left, and Lindona took up the seat at the bottom of the table.

Right on cue, three waitresses dressed in deep green dresses brought out a range of sauces on trays, and placed them on the table.
As soon as they had left, three other waitresses bought out five plates of what looked like corn tortillas, except they were a strange purple colour.
More waitresses brought out other dishes, including a scarlet meat, and what looked like blue bolognaise.

"I think I just lost my appetite," Jack mumbled to Carter, who had turned oddly green.

"Is this the main course in your meal?" Daniel enquired. "Yes, this is the traditional meal for the day before the solstice. It is a large buffet which includes many dishes for eating. Please, Eat!"

Daniel immediately tucked in to the food, copying the actions of Amarelle and her friends.
Jonas wanted to make a good impression, so picked up a purple tortilla, and dipped it into a pink sauce, the same one that Lara had just tasted.
"Mmm... tastes like salsa...aaaargh! Hot! Hot!!" He picked up a jug that was sitting to the right of his place, and gulped it down like a fish. (Well, he could breathe underwater for 5 minutes at a time!)

"Jonas," started Amarelle, although she pronounced it 'Johnus', "it is not wise to drink that much Tilama in one time. It has certain affects on the body that are pleasant in small doses, but too much can be dangerous to your health."
Jonas immediately stopped drinking the sour tasting liquid, but felt no different. Amarelle clapped her hands and a waiter brought a jug of water to the table.

"This is water. It is safe for you to drink." Colonel O'Neill was interested to find out what would happen to Jonas, and hoped there wouldn't be anything to bad to explain to Hammond.

"What is that stuff... Tilma?"

"Tilama," Amarelle corrected, "is a drink which is taken to help people celebrate. It is mostly harmless, and I hope Jonas will not suffer. It can make some people nauseous and give them a large headache. This can be remedied, however, with a simple draught from the apothecary. Jonas, if you experience any unpleasantness, do not hesitate to ask Lindona for a draught."

"I will certainly comply, Jonas. But, Queen Amarelle, be reminded that Tilama has good effects also."

"Yes, Lindona. I do not choose to drink the liquid myself, but I allow others to do so. It gives people a happy feeling, and often makes them feel libidinous."
Colonel O'Neill groaned. A drunk, libidinous Jonas was a horrible thought.

"But I feel fine now, how long does it take?" Jonas inquired.

"It will take about an hour to dissolve into your system. Meanwhile, please... eat and drink! Later on we will have a party."

So the team and the Council tucked in to their food, talking happily about cultures...
BUT if ya want to read more...I need feedback!!!

What do you want to see happen?
What did they talk about over dinner?
What ridiculous things did Jonas get up to while drunk? What happens at the party?
Does this story include a Sam/jack kiss, mud fight or admission of their love?
Will the story ever end?
Find out in the next instalment!!!
In the meantime... SEND FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to Julia Alien
This story archived at