Pool Party by Heather
Summary: Daniel and Janet are scheming.
Categories: Jack/Sam Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Romance
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1463 Read: 821 Published: 1999.11.22 Updated: 1999.11.22
Pool Party by Heather
Pool Party

Pool Party

by Heather

TITLE: Pool party
AUTHOR: Heather
EMAIL: flutterbyedreams@hotmail.com
CATEGORY: Sam and Jack
SUMMARY: Daniel and Janet are scheming.
STATUS: Complete
ARCHIVE: Heliopolis
DISCLAIMER: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. We have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the authors. Not to be archived without permission of the authors.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Okey then that's over with, so on with the show.

"You going to Kington's pool party this afternoon?" Janet leaned over the lab workbench to see if she was going to have to pry her friend away or not.

"I don't know. I have a mountain of work to do."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun! Besides everyone else is going and do you really want to miss all those guys in their board shorts and goodness knows what else? Just think, Sam, all those gorgeous tanned chests just lying around and showing off for our viewing pleasure." Sam sighed very easily picturing the one tanned chest she very much wanted to see.

"Ok fine. You talked me into it."

"Good. I'll pick you up at five, and we'll go together ok?"

"Ok, thanks Janet. I'll be ready." Janet grinned and left. Mission accomplished. Didn't take much either. Just the thought of a certain colonel's bare chest was enough to turn that woman into putty! Heck just the thought of his bare anything. Jack had been just as easy. The mere mention of Sam in bathers was enough for him. Janet sighed. They were just so easy and yet so dense sometimes! If only there was a way to open their eyes and make them look at each other. Make them realise that the other one was thinking the exact same thing as they were.

Janet was one devious woman. This was one of the best ideas to get the two stubborn officers together, and Daniel had heard a few. But getting them at a pool party and consequently both in limited clothing. The sight of each other just might prove to be a little too irresistible. Daniel rubbed his hands together with glee. Oh this was going to be fun!

"Jack you ready?" Daniel called

"Yep let's go." Jack appeared through the doorway, locked it and they both climbed into Jack's car. Daniel didn't have his there, as he'd come straight from the SGC to Jack's house.

Daniel sat next to Jack with his feet dangling in the water. What was taking Janet and Sam so long? Women! You couldn't hurry them if you tried. He remembered how hard it was to get Sha're going some mornings when all she wanted in the world was to be left in bed. Daniel chuckled.


"Huh?" Daniel was jerked out of his daydream to find Jack looking at him expectantly. "Oh I was just remembering."


"Yup." Daniel's attention was drawn to a bunch of people hanging over the pool gate. His puzzlement was soon answered when Sam and Janet walked in. They were both in one piece bathers. Daniel smiled at how Sam managed to look better in the one piece than most of the other women spread around, sun-baking, did in bikinis. He once again felt the pride of her spread though him. She was the best substitute sister he could have asked for. He looked around and saw that Teal'c was also ready to protect her from any of the guys looking at her from around the pool, the minute they went to far.

Daniel glanced to his right to see how Jack was taking it. He almost laughed. Jack had nearly fallen in the water. He watched as Jack and Sam's eyes met. They both took a deep breath, that caught in their throats. Jack stood up and walked to the diving board. Ah Daniel thought, showing off time eh? He saw that Janet was also grinning with delight.

Jack glanced at Sam to make sure she was watching. She was. This is silly he thought I'm acting like a lovesick teenage boy showing off like this. Oh well. He ran to the edge of the diving board and did a forwards flip off it into the water. Creating as big a splash as he could. Just like all the guys and been doing since they got there, except that none of them had flipped. They simply bomb dived the girls.

When he came up he looked for her reaction. She raised an eyebrow at him and walked towards the board. She calmly stood on the edge of it then after smiling at him she turned around and stood on the tips of her toes on the very edge. Then she flipped backwards, twisted mid air and dived perfectly into the pool without any splash.

She surfaced in front of him and smiled triumphantly. He rolled his eyes and sank beneath the surface. She lost him for a bit after trying to follow him with her eyes from above water. Then she felt something grab her ankle and she let out a shriek as she was pulled under. This playful flirting went on for a while and the others were starting to feel a little disappointed cause they weren't getting any further than they usually did.

Then someone suggested a game of hide and seek. Kington's pool was perfect for this. It was huge and had a lot of nooks and crannies to hide in, not to mention the many palm trees that leaned over the water. Daniel was chosen to be it, so he turned, leant on the pool gate, closed his eyes and began to count. Everyone scattered. By the time he'd reached twenty there wasn't a soul in sight. On the up side for him, most people were hiding in twos or threes. He caught Janet and Teal'c first as Teal'c hadn't quite understood the game and kept asking Janet questions about it, and she kept trying to hush him. Next was Kington and Suzanne from behind the food bar. Then Ferretti, Johnson, and Williams from underneath the drinks. They'd swiped a bottle of tequila and were passing it back and forth between them. They wouldn't be driving home tonight.

Daniel was on a roll and pretty soon he'd found everyone, but Sam and Jack. So everyone joined in the hunt. Daniel stumbled upon them first and ran quickly to call Janet, he was grinning so widely she thought his face would crack.

"Come here." He grinned and ran back the way he'd come with several people in tow. "Look." He whispered and pointed to a small hidey hole in the far corner of the pool. There to everyone's delight was Sam and Jack, kissing so passionately Daniel thought they'd die from lack of oxygen before they relinquished each other's lips. Laughter, giggles and cat calls erupted and they broke apart in a hurry in time to see Janet and Daniel high-five each other, and shout YES!

Jack frowned at them and pulled Sam beneath the water and back into his arms. She sank willingly and as they didn't appear to be coming up any time soon, the crowd began to disperse and leave them alone. Daniel shook his head happily. Those two had the best lungs he'd ever seen. If asked to go up in an underwater swimming contest against either one of them it might be better to simply admit defeat straight away.

Daniel and Janet left to party and celebrate. They certainly deserved it, after all they'd had to put up with from those two. Hopefully this would put any silly arguments of regulations to rest and two of his best-friends would finally be happy. If only it would be as simple for the other two. Janet of course would be the easier, for her he only had to find a guy who deserved her. Teal'c was a little harder, for him they had to defeat the gou'ald, free his people and reunite him with his wife and son.

Oh well. Daniel decided to concentrate on today's victory for the moment. The others would come in time. Her gratefully accepted the drink from Janet and allowed her to draw him into the celebration.

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to Heather
This story archived at http://sg1-heliopolis.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=1572