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Reviews For A Family Secret

Name: Offworlder (Signed) · Datum: 2008.12.24 23:14 · Für: Chapter 10
: )

Name: Janice (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.03.29 11:18 · Für: Chapter 1
I must agree with the comment made by "Smithcrafter", although I find this the best "Mark" story I've read thus far.  Rather than siding with Pete about the break-up, he realizes exactly what kind of "control" issues the man has and how his sister would never give in to Pete's demands that she change.  (Mark certainly knows his sister well enough to know she wouldn't bend on that issue.) I could really never understand why Sam didn't just break up with Pete right after the Osiris incident, even though she wanted to give the relationship a chance of success (though that's the way the writers wrote that whole subject).  I think she's way too smart and too strong to keep thinking that after his lack of trust in her he would suddenly change and start trusting her.  Oh well, that's just me and my observation.  I've also always been surprised that the Pentagon and SGC gave Pete clearance to know about the stargate program just because he'd "seen too much" re Osiris at the stake-out.  They could, after all, have concocted some story to put him off, and I really don't think Sam would have made an issue out of that.  Sorry I'm babbling on, but there are numerous parts of episodes I have problems with.  I'm glad to see you have addressed the "Mark" issue here and that it came out on the side of Sam.  Hope you keep writing, and I look forward to finding more of your stories.  (Have already read most that I've found and enjoyed them very much.)  :-)

Author's Response:

So glad you enjoyed it. I always wondered if Mark knew what type of person Pete actually was when he 'introduced' them. You say YOU have problems with the episode, not as many as I have that they brought in the stalking little git:-P God I hated him!

Things are a bit 'blank' here ATM, hope to eventually finish one of these stories I have half done, thanks so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoy my work.


Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.03.15 00:18 · Für: Chapter 10
That was a nice diversion after a long day. I enjoy seeing things from an "outside" point of view.

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! Glad you enjoyed it.

Name: smithcrafter (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.02.01 18:42 · Für: Chapter 10
This is one of the two best "Mark" stories I've ever read, and by far the longer of the two. I can't decide which I like better.

Author's Response: What a nice thing to say! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for taking the time to review. (wonders what the other 'Mark' fic was)

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