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A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site

Name: Dagmar Beck (Signed) · Datum: 2009.10.05 04:55 · Für: Overheard in the ICU

Nicely done and without any OoC

ps how do house and janet know each other

Name: Dagmar Beck (Signed) · Datum: 2009.10.05 04:55 · Für: Overheard in the ICU

Nicely done and without any OoC

ps how do house and janet know each other

Name: Sulien (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.04.23 04:03 · Für: Overheard in the ICU
*grinning from ear to ear*  Thanks for this!  I can see that I need to start watching House.  I loved his reference to Janet as "Bonaparte", echoing Jack's muttered complaints about the "Napoleanic power-monger".

Name: scylliana (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.01.05 01:05 · Für: Overheard in the ICU
Nicely done. Daniel's smart, pretending to be asleep. I'm sure that between Janet and House, Janet will win. Thanks for the fic.

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