
Had I not seen the Sun von squibalicous

Daniel slung himself into the rear cab seat of Jack's truck.  Dressed in blue jeans and a sweater Daniel was a bit taken aback with Jack's chosen attire.  Usually a night at O'Malley's was casual for all.  When he answered his door to Jack's persistent ringing he was surprised to find him in black dress pants, a collared shirt and leather jacket.

Now seated in his truck, Daniel could make out the distinct odor of men's cologne.

"Oh, Jack?" he asked as Teal'c, seated in front, tuned into a country western music station, Hank Williams filled the cab.


"Are you wearing cologne?"

Teal'c answered for him.

"Indeed, he is Daniel Jackson.  Apparently O'Neill desires to make himself," pausing to turn to Jack, eyebrow raised,

"pur'tty." He finished, adopting a southern drawl.

"All right, that's enough from both of you."  Jack growled.

"No offense Jack.  It's just...what's the occasion?"

"We are to escort Doctor Samantha Carter tonight."  Teal'c replied. 

If he didn't know better, Daniel would swear that Teal'c was screwing with Jack.

As Jack pulled into the motel parking lot he slowed allowing a departing car to pass. It was Teal'c who noticed the three figures at the far end of the lot.

"Where was it you left Doctor Carter, O'Neill?"

"Down at the end.  The place was booked up.  A bunch of hog riders are in town."

"Are those men jockeys of the swine?' Teal'c asked, pointing at a pair of men who appeared to be walking a disoriented woman between them.

"That's Samantha.  What the fuck?"

Jack gunned the truck, speeding towards the three figures now making their way to an SUV sitting in the middle of the lot, right side doors open and engine running.

Noticing the advancing vehicle, one of the men released his hold on Samantha and drew a weapon, firing. 

The charged blast of a zat ripped through the truck, stopping it cold.

"Teal'c!" Jack commanded.

Without further explanation Teal'c opened the compartment in front of him withdrawing a 9mm.  Jack, already out of the truck reached under his seat for another weapon. From behind his seat, Daniel pulled out a rifle.

Seeing Jack rounding the truck's door, the first henchman fired a shot, just missing him. 

Ducking to his left, Jack took safety behind a parked compact, firing at the attacker.

With Jack pinned down and no line of sight on the shooter, Teal'c ran to the right of the vehicle.  As he approached the side door opened.  A third man appeared and fired one shot at him.  Teal'c crumbled to the ground. 

With one foot out of the SUV, Teal'c's assailant leveled his zat, ready to fire a second time.

"Kree cho-"

Before he could finish Daniel fired, hitting the door, forcing the man back into the SUV.

Jack's man continued to fire, shattering the car's window over his head.  Quickly popping his head around the back of the car, Jack could see movement at the SUV, making out a flash of blond hair.  Samantha.

Retreating, Jack made his way down the opposite side of the line of parked cars, so to come out closer to the SUV.  As he rounded the last car, the first man stepped into the space.  Jack fired two shots, hitting him in the shoulder and side.  As the man fell, he heard the screech of tires as the SUV sped away, turning quickly onto the road.

Daniel ran towards where Teal'c lay.

Jack, gun trained on the now unconscious kidnapper saw a Harley ride up to his truck.

Running back towards his truck, Jack leveled his gun at the rider, a grizzled guy in leathers.

"OFF. Now."  Wordlessly, the man held his hands up and dismounted.

Grabbing the handle and mounting the motorcycle, Jack yelled, "Daniel!"

"I know.  Jack, GO!"

Tucking his gun into his back waist band Jack put the bike in gear and roared past Daniel and Teal'c.

After checking Teal'c's pulse Daniel opened his cell, hitting speed dial.

"Viper Alpha."

The call was immediately routed to General Hammond.

Viper Alpha meant one thing.  There was a Goa'uld on Earth.

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