Caring Profession, The by Hayley Rust
Summary: Daniel gets hurt on a recon mission. He meets a nurse who he befriends and who finally opens the door to his relationship with his grandfather and to himself.
Categories: Daniel/other Characters: None
Episode Related: None
Genres: Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Holiday: None
Season: None
Warnings: None
Crossovers: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 11917 Read: 2595 Published: 2001.08.05 Updated: 2001.08.05
Caring Profession, The by Hayley Rust
The Caring Profession - A diary of a nurse on the SG8 team

I had had handover already from the day staff. I was told there was a patient called Daniel Jackson that had to be monitored overnight. He had received an injury whilst on a re-con mission with the SG1 team. He had a nasty sprained ankle and some severe bruising. Dr Frasier wanted me to stay in the medlab to monitor his condition for any signs of concussion. I nodded silently then left to go to the medlab.

The room was dimly lit as I entered it. I could smell the scent of the sterilising agent used to clean the medical centre of SG Command. This was my first night shift back from a month's leave. I felt nervous, as I always do when I come back to work after a break.

I spotted the only other person in the room lying on one of the medlab beds.

As quietly as I could as not to disturb the patient, I walked to the end of his bed and glanced at the monitor showing his life signs. The machine was giving a faint pip...pip noise, a reassuring sound.

I looked at the sleeping form, his body looked bruised and battered. His left eye black and blue and quite swollen and a nasty gash on his right cheek.

I immediately felt sorry for him.

Poor guy, I thought, as I stared at him. That must of hurt!

The upper part of his body was well formed but not overly muscular and was covered in scratches and bruises that looked dark against the white sheets.

A sheet covered the rest of him. His chest rose and fell rhythmically indicating to me that he was asleep and was pain-free for the moment.

Near the bed stood a small desk and a chair. A table lamp was the only other source of light, apart from the machines and it gave a reassuring glow in the darkness.

I sat on the chair and leant on the desk with my arms. I looked down to see Daniel's folder. I opened it.

As I read the details, I found out his name was Doctor Daniel Jackson. I raised my eyebrows

A doctor ? I thought, wondering why I had not seen him around the medical facility, then as I read further I realised he was not a medical doctor but an archaeologist and anthropologist. I looked up at the sleeping form, my head on one side.

Now I came to think of it, he did look familiar.

I continued to read his notes, widower, aged 35, has had his appendix removed, resuscitated several times, sprains, breaks...I shook my head slightly in amazement.

This man sure does get bashed all in the name of research I thought as I read the final chapter so far in his notes.

It said - received injuries after falling down a mineshaft.

I chuckled quietly to myself. Well that's original!

After a few minutes, I stood and walked over to Dr Jackson. I hated doing hourly observations. He looks so peaceful but that was the problem. If he has concussion, I needed to assess his mental awareness. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and shook gently

'Dr Jackson' I said quietly. He opened his eyes.

'Hi. My name is Natasha. I'm sorry but I need to do your observations.'

Dr Jackson murmured and turned his head to face me and blinked his good eye several times, trying to focus. He had the deepest blue eye I had ever seen.

'Hhhmmmm?' He said, raising one hand to rub his eyes and winced as he made contact with the bruised one.

'You got a hell of a shiner there.' I murmured as I wrapped the bloodpressure cuff around his other arm and pressed the button to begin the machine. Whilst it was checking his pulse and bloodpressure, I asked Dr Jackson where he was.

'SGC medlab I think' he croaked, then coughed.

'Sorry' he apologised.

I smiled gently at him.

'It's OK. Can you poke your tongue out for me?'

Dr Jackson frowned at my request but did as he was bid.

'Thanks' I smiled. 'Now hold still. I need to check your pupils.'

Dr Jackson winced as I shone the pen torch into his good eye. The other was so swollen that it was pointless looking.

'Why did you ask me to poke my tongue out? Dr Jackson asked as he watched me write down the information my assessment had given me.

'To make sure you obey commands.' I reply, looking up.

Dr Jackson nodded in acceptance.

'What time is it?' he asked.

I looked at my nursing watch that hung on my tunic.

'It's a little past midnight' I replied.

Dr Jackson groaned.

'Where are the others?

I frowned for a second then realised he meant the rest of SG1. I told him how they had brought him back and stayed till they knew you were safe then they left to get some rest.

Dr Jackson nodded and licked his lips.

'Thirsty?' I enquired, as I put the folder down on the desk.


I went over to the water cooler and picked up a plastic cup, filled it with water halfway and went back to the bedside and gave it to Dr Jackson.

'Thanks' He murmured and took a sip, then downed the rest in a couple of big gulps. He then gave me the empty cup and I put it down beside his bed.

He then laid his head back onto the pillow and shut his eye.

'See you in an hour' I said as I turned to go back to the desk.

'Mmmm' was the reply I got.


I looked at the clock on the wall.

Nearly four o'clock. The last set of obs had changed little from when I did them first.

I need a coffee I thought as I leant back into the chair and stretched my arms upwards and stretched.

I stood up and went over to the coffee machine. I grabbed my mug out of the cupboard and filled it with the hot coffee. I opened the fridge door, got out a carton of milk and poured some of its contents into my mug. I put the milk back and stirred the contents. As I did I looked for some sugar. There was none.

'Rats!' I said to myself. 'No sugar.'

'I hope there's enough for two?' a man's voice broke the quiet, making me jump.

I turned to see Dr Jackson leaning on one elbow, looking at me.

'Do you want one? I asked, indicating to the percolator. 'It won't help you sleep though'

Dr Jackson chuckled.

'Like I am going to get much sleep with you shining a light into my eyes every hour' he smirked, his good eye twinkling in humour.

I grinned.

'OK. How do you like it?

'Black with one sugar please' was the reply.

'There is no sugar' I said apologetically. 'I wanted some too.' I said.

Daniel nodded

'Ok' he said ' without then' and half-smiled.

I turned around, took another cup from the shelf, filled it with coffee then picking up my own, I carefully walked to Dr Jackson's bed and offered him the mug. He sat up gently, wincing with the effort and took the mug from me.

'Thanks.' he murmured and taking a sip sighed and closed his eyes. He then moved his legs

'Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow' He squirmed pulling the sheet away to look at his injured foot. It was strapped for protection and support but even I could see it was swollen.

'It's not broken' I explained as he put the mug down and began to tentatively examine his foot. He winced as he moved his foot against the restraints.

'Would you like some painkillers Dr Jackson. It may help.' I offered.

'Please. . . Err... sorry, what was your name again?' Dr Jackson replied.

'Natasha' I replied, putting my own mug down on my desk and picked up his prescription chart from the clipboard on the end of Dr Daniel's bed.

'No injections though OK? And please, call me Daniel.'

I nodded and went to the medicine cupboard. I took the keys out of my tunic pocket and open the door.

I checked the chart, took the appropriate medicine out, placed a tablet from the foil into a small medicine cup and put the box back and shut the door.

I then walked, with the medicine pot and chart in my hands, towards Daniel.

'Here you are Dr...' I correct myself. 'Daniel.'

'Thanks.' Daniel smiled, taking the pot from me then putting it to his mouth, tipped the contents in, then taking his coffee, took several large gulps. He then handed the pot back the to me.

I watched as he smiled at me and took the tablet and my heart did a back flip

Oh get real, I mentally slap myself. Like he would be interested in someone like me!

I place the pot on the table, signed the prescription chart and placed it back at the end of the clipboard at the end of the bed.

I then went to the my table and picked up my coffee mug and tried to hide behind it as I saw he was watching what I was doing. I felt embarressed.

After a few minutes Daniel tried to get comfortable but couldn't. No matter how he wiggled, he could not move properly up the bed to a sitting position.

'Do you want to sit?' I asked, putting my cup down on the desk.


I went to the bedside and using the electronic remote, I slowly raised the back of the bed, then I placed the pillows more comfortably. Daniel leaned into them and sighed.

Hmmm much better.'

'Have I seen you here before?' he asked as I checked the positioning of one of the leads on his chest.

I felt embarrassed again and blushed.

'Yes. I have worked with Dr Frasier before.' I replied.

I then remembered a few months back, how I had helped Dr Frasier give SG1 their tetanus and polio booster shots.

'I... think . . . I .. . ' I stammered ' I think I gave you your tetanus shot.'

My memory was showing me that cute bum that I had injected into belonging to Daniel.

Daniel screwed his eye up in concentration, then laughed.

'That's right!' he chuckled. 'You got Jack a sugar cube when he complained we didn't get any for the polio.'

I grinned at the memory.

'I felt sorry for him.' I chuckled. 'I know how foul that medicine tastes!'

Daniel continued to chuckle then looked at the clock.

'It's four o'clock Natasha. Want me to stick my tongue out for you?' Daniel teased.

I smiled broadly.

'Not unless you want to Daniel. I think I can safely say that you are alert and orientated.' I replied

Daniel stuck his tongue out anyway and I smiled.

The rest of the observations were normal.


The rest of the shift went quickly. We talked about many things. Daniel wanted to know where my accent came from. I told him I was from East Anglia in Britain and that I had just come back from a month's leave. Daniel wanted to know about my family and my background and how I ended up in the US as part of the medical core and I told him the basic details.

I asked how he ended up being part of the SG1 team and if he had family.

He explained about his folks, who were killed in an accident when he was a child. His grandfather, whom he had recently reconciled with, was on another planet doing research with the aliens there and that he was involved with the Stargate from the start and how he had met his wife but had lost his her thanks to the Gou'auld.

I noticed a subtle change in his voice and he looked down.

'You OK Daniel?' I asked, afraid that I had asked to many questions.

Daniel shook his head slightly

'It's just a little strange for me to have a conversation like this with someone outside the SG1 team.' Daniel murmured and looked up.

That blue eye held me for a second and I looked down, feeling really embarrassed.

'I'm sorry' I apologised, getting up from the bedside.

'Don't.' Daniel said sharply, reaching out for my arm. 'It's OK. Really.'

His touch made me jump then a noise behind me made me look. I saw a shadow outside the door. I quickly walked to the desk and sat on the chair.

The door opened. I recognised Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter as they walked in.

I nodded to them in acknowledgement and pretended to be engrossed in the paperwork, but really I was listening to their conversation.

'Daniel?' I heard O'Neill's voice.

'Jack?' Daniel replied.

I looked up slightly and peeked over the folder.

Major Carter gave Daniel a hug that made him wince.

'We have been so worried Daniel.' she began.

Daniel nodded.

'I'm OK.' he answered reassuringly as possible.

'Did you enjoy your trip?' O'Neill asked

I laughed inwardly at Daniel's reply.

'Sure Jack. Just remind me to send you a postcard saying wish you were here instead of me!'

O'Neill smirked

'Well, I did tell you to watch where you were going.' he answered.

'Boys, pack it in.' Carter reprimanded jokingly.

O'Neill smiled again.

'They looking after you OK? He asked Daniel, looking to where I was. I hid behind the folder.

'Just great Jack, she's been great.'

'She?' O'Neill asked, his voice full of innuendo.

'Natasha, my night nurse.' Daniel replied.

Silence followed and I peered over the folder to see O'Neills knowing half smile.

'Well, we had best get going Carter.' O'Neill said suddenly. He patted Daniel on his shoulder.

'Nice to have you back kid.'

Daniel smiled.

'Me too.' he murmured.

Major Carter squeezed Daniel's hand, then followed Colonel O'Neill out of the medlab.

The door closed - silence followed.

'Natasha?' I hear Daniel's voice after a few seconds.

'Mmm?' I replied, trying to concentrate on the written report I had to do at the end of the shift and not show him how embarrassed I was.

'Thanks for keeping an eye on me.'

I looked up and saw Daniel's face filled with chagrin. He must have realised how I felt.

I smiled reassuringly.

'It's been a pleasure Daniel.'

Just then, the day nurse and Dr Frasier came in. I quickly hand over my report then stood next to Daniel's bed.

'I'm off now. Maybe see you around.' I said with a smile.

'You never know' Daniel answered, his good eye twinkling.

I smiled again then left.

The walk home to my base room was uneventful and I was tired. I entered my room which was one of the basic rooms with just a bed sit, bathroom, a desk and chair, a couple of table lamps and a mirror and I had my personal computer on the desk that I used for research contacting the outside world. A small cupboard served as my storage space for my clothes and personal bits and pieces. The room was a light blue in colour, almost clinical and cold as military establishment decor tended to be but I had managed to get a couple of posters of the sea and mountains which lifted me when I had a bad day. I could look at them and almost feel the mist and smell the sea air. I climbed into bed and fell asleep, dreaming of a blue eyed man walking me through the stargate, showing me wondrous sights.

I awoke six hours before my next shift. I did my usual housework, showered, ate and arrived at work.

As I walked into the med centre, all was quiet. No patients tonight.

Great! I thought I can get the stock taking done for the medicine cupboard and have a clear out.

I went to the percolator and reached for my mug in the cupboard. I looked at it and something caught my eye. It was a small packet of sugar.

On it were the words,

'Meet me for breakfast?'

It was signed,

D x


Formal Introduction Chapter 2

To me that night shift was too long. The entire time my stomach had butterflies and my nervousness increased as the shift progressed.

It took me twice as long to do the stocktaking.

In the end I had to sit down and mentally talk to myself to calm myself down.

This is stupid I chastised. He only wants to say thanks

But I could not help hope that it was something else. I realised I really liked the guy.

Finally, the day shift arrived. Since no patients had arrived that night my handover was basically a social chat.

I finally grabbed my bag, put on my cardigan and pushed open the medlab doors.

Standing there, in the corridor, on crutches, was Daniel. He still looked like he had taken on Mike Tyson and lost but his bruised eye was now open and he had the most wonderful eyes I had ever seen.

'Hi.' he smiled as he hopped towards me.

'Hi.' I replied, not knowing what else to say.

'I didn't know if you ate breakfast but I am normally up at this time of the morning. Just wanted to know if you wanted some company.'

'Your supposed to be taking it easy Dr Jackson.' I chastised jokingly.

'Daniel.' he corrected. I nodded and smiled.

'Okay Daniel. What did you have in mind?'

'Well, I can order in from the canteen or we can go to the canteen.'

'Would you mind if we don't go to the canteen. It's too far for you to go anyway.'

'Okay.' Daniel said with a smile, 'Follow me' and led me to his room.

On way, he ordered breakfast and asked for it to be sent to his room.

As I followed Daniel into his room, I smelt the old musty scent of old documents. It reminded me of a research library I went to whilst I was studying.

'Sorry about the mess.' Daniel said apologetically as he picked up a pile of papers carefully as not to lose balance. ' This is my research and I spread a bit when I do my work.'

'Daniel, don't worry.' I said reassuringly, walking forward and giving Daniel a hand with another pile. 'I do the same.'

There was a knock at the door. Daniel answered it and there was one of the bases personnel with our breakfast on a trolley. The man pushed the trolley in gave me a cursory glance, then left without saying a word. Daniel shut the door and turned.

'God, that coffee smells good.' he said as he limped over to where the trolley had been placed.

'Daniel. Go sit. Let me do it, otherwise I can see you getting third degree burns as well.' I said, as I walked over to him. He smiled at me ruefully.

'Okay.' He sighed and sat on the edge of the sofa bed.

I poured the coffee, added the sugar, and pushed the trolley over to where Daniel sat. I handed him a mug and he took it gratefully, sipping its contents.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs on toast and blueberry muffins as a treat. I sat next to Daniel and using the trolley as a table, we tucked in.

As we ate Daniel told me that he and the rest of the team had been given two weeks off so that he may recover and the rest of the team got a much-needed break.

'Going anywhere?' I asked as I popped the last of my muffin into my mouth and sipped the last of my coffee. Daniel poured himself another coffee and offered to pour me one. I nodded and Daniel poured some in mine. He added sugar in both and poured some milk in mine then stirred both.

I looked around the room as he does this, staring at the beautiful things he had collected in his travels. It had the air of an intellectual person who had a love and passion for things that interested and intrigued him.

Daniel caught me staring

'That's my latest piece.' Daniel said as he pointed to the object on his desk. It was rectangular with a dark grey metal sheen, its decoration intriguing.

'Its got Gou'auld writing on it but its a slightly different dialect.' Daniel said, seemingly to sense my interest. 'Teal'c and I are working on it but I guess since he gone offworld to visit his family, it will have to wait a while.'

'Do you ever go home?' I asked as I noticed the unmade bed we were sitting on and the general air of lived in that the room had.

'Yes. When this place gets too much and I need to escape.' Daniel smiled. 'It's awkward at the moment due to this.' He pointed at this foot. 'Can't drive real well till the swelling goes down a little.'

I nodded.

'I know how you feel.' I sympathised. 'I feel the same when I do the nights shifts. I spend the week here then spend the week off at home.'

Daniel nodded.

'You got five more shifts to do?' he said, almost slyly.

'Yes.' I drawl, looking at Daniel sideways warily. 'Why?'

Daniel smiled and rolled his eyes innocently

'Well, I will be here for a week too. Fancy making this a morning thing to get us through this week?'

I laughed.

'Sure.' I replied, as I put my cup down. 'But now, I really need to get some sleep.' as I stifled a yawn with my hand.

'Oh right. Of course. Sorry.' Daniel said, grabbing his crutches and stood up.

'I will walk you back.'

'You don't have to Daniel. I know the way from here.'

Daniel smiled shyly.

'Indulge a gentleman.'

I shook my head and smiled gently at him.


We left his room and made our way to mine. We passed personnel, busy with their own jobs, as we walked down the grey corridors. My room was on a different level.

I paused as we stopped outside my room.

'Well, thanks for walking me back Daniel.' I said as I reached for my security pass to enter the door.

'Same time tomorrow?' Daniel asked quietly.

'Okay. I'd like that.' I reply, gently smiling at him.

He had such a gentle face and eyes that I could drown in. I caught myself staring at him and he at me for a second or too. I didn't want to leave but I had to. My job was important and I needed all my faculties to do it so sleep was vital.

'See you tomorrow,' as I push my door open.

'Yeah. Sleep well.' Daniel said, placing his hand on my shoulder making me pause. I looked back at Daniel and suddenly, without knowing why, I reach up and kiss his cheek lightly. As I lean back, I see his face unsure, with his mouth open.

'Night.' I whispered as I enter my room and began to shut the door.

'Night.' I heard his voice say just as it shut.


I leant against the door for sometime and when I was sure Daniel had left, I banged my door against it.

Oh my god! Why the hell did I do that!! I screamed mentally at myself. He must think I am a right dork! Stupid, stupid, stupid

I walked over to my bed, undress, put my pyjamas on and throw myself onto the bed. I feel so angry at myself I punch my pillow several times.

Feeling slightly better, I fall into a fitful sleep.

That evening, I heard a tap on the door. I peered sleepily at my watch. Five minutes before I was due to get up anyway. I groaned inwardly as I swing my legs out of the bed and stood, rubbing my eyes to try to get them to wake up and open up. I yawned as I reached the door; someone taps on it again.

'Okay, Okay. Give this girl a break. ' I muttered under my breath as I stretched for a final time and open the door and peered into the corridor.

Standing there was Daniel.

'Daniel!' I exclaimed, as I push the door to cover most of me. My head peering round.

Daniel looked embarrassed.

'Oh . . . er...sorry' Daniel stammered. 'Just wanted to know if you wanted supper. Got a bit bored actually.' one of his eyebrows raised and a wry smile appeared.

'Sam is away, as is Jack. It's just me and . . . I felt a little bored.' he repeated.

With half a smile, I shook my head slowly, then looked at my wristwatch.

Two hours before I was due to report.

I look at Daniel waiting for an answer, a puppydog statement on his face. I give in.

No contest I thought

'Okay' I said as I opened the door, 'Excuse the mess. I've just woke up.'

Daniel nodded silently as he entered the room.

I grabbed my towel off the back of the chair.

'You order supper Daniel. I need to have my shower.' I nodded to the phone on the table and entered the bathroom.

I hear his voice as he talks to the kitchens.

'What do you fancy?' he shouted.

'What have they got?' I replied as I entered the shower. The hot water waking me up with a warm glow. I begin to wet my hair.

'Pizza, stew, curry or chicken pie' Daniel said after a second or two.

I paused as I rubbed the shampoo into my hair.

hmmm decisions decisions

'What are you having?' I hollered, as I wash the shampoo out.

'Curry.' Daniel replied

'Same for me then please.' I replied as I washed the rest of me.

It goes quiet as I finish my shower. I grabbed my towels, wrapped one around my head to dry my hair, the other I use to dry myself. I wrap my bathrobe around me and tie the knot.

I walk out of the bathroom rubbing my hair with the towel. Daniel has sat himself on my bed. He has made it for me.

'Coffee?' I offered, pointing to the mugs and private collection of coffee and kettle.

'Silly question.' Daniel smiled and I could sense he was feeling a bit bashful being alone in a room with a half-dressed female.

I laughed and made us both coffee, then sat down and offered one mug to Daniel. He took it and sipped it appreciatively.

My hair felt bedraggled and I thought I looked like a drown rat! My hair goes into rats tails when it's washed and I brushed my fingers through it to try to make in behave.

'I'm sorry if I got you up. I just took a chance to see if you were awake.'

Daniel looked guilty. I couldn't help but smile.

'It's all right Daniel. I was about to get up anyway.'

There was a knock on the door and supper entered. The same man, who gave us breakfast, pushed the trolley. He frowned slightly with an odd smile as he left.

Well, that's my reputation up in smoke I joked to myself as I shut the door.

The curry smelt wonderful and as I was starving, both Daniel and I ate quickly.

We sat, afterwards, full and contented on the bed making idle chit chat and listening to some music from my portable CD player. I looked at my watch.

'I gotta go and get sorted out for work.' I said as I got up and went into the bathroom.

I heard the bedsprings go as Daniel shifted his weight.

When I came out, uniform and hair sorted out for the shift ahead, Daniel looked at me, a gleam in his eyes.

'Okay. Up and at 'em. ' I said as I grabbed my cardigan and bag. 'I have to get moving.'

Daniel stood up with his crutches. I noted how good he was getting at moving around on them.

We leave the room and Daniel waited for me as I shut the door.

I turned and smiled at Daniel.

'See you tomorrow?'

Daniel grins.


I nod and smile almost shyly again.

'Well, see ya' I said as I begin to leave.

'Bye.' Daniel called.


This continued for the rest of my shifts. Daniel would wait for me as I left work; we went to either his or my room and had breakfast and enjoyed each other's company. Neither of us mentioned the kiss. I guess cause I was embarrassed and he felt the same. I don't know. What I did know was that I loved his company. He made me laugh and feel at ease. His sense of humour, his passion for his work, his interests were more intense than mine but no less interesting.

As I talked to him on the morning after my final shift, I reminded him it was time for me to leave the base. Daniel raised his eyebrows.

'So you are off next week?' he asked

I nodded as I had a mouthful of food.

'Great!' he exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow, looking at Daniel questioningly with a half smile on my face.

Daniel gave me a rueful grin.

'Well, he explained.' I would have finished my research by this afternoon. I can't do anything else without Teal'c. I was wondering if you wanted to go to an exhibition with me?'

'What is the exhibition?' I asked as I took another swig of coffee and reached for the muffins.

'It's the latest finds of South American burial finds.'

'I would love to see it.' I said with a grin.

Daniel just smiled at me, sipping his coffee.


We arranged to meet later that morning and I would drive Daniel home. His ankle was not up to driving yet even though he was off the crutches and walking now. His black eye had now eased to a yellow green colour and the scar was practically healed. He moved easier now too.

I dropped him off at his apartment. He grabbed his bags from the rear of the car. Then bent down to look at me through the open window.

'What time tomorrow?' Daniel asked, flicking a fly out of the way.

'About ten?' I reply.

Daniel nodded.

'Fine to me.'

'Well, see ya Daniel. Get some rest, okay?' I said as I look into those blue eyes.

'Sure.' Daniel murmured

I started the engine, and put it into gear. Daniel moved away from the window.

'See ya' I shouted as I begin to drive away.

Daniel waved.



A Memorable Day Chapter 3

I awoke with my alarm telling me its time to get up. I yawned, stretched and slowly got up out of bed. God, how I hated the day after night shifts. I licked my dry lips and walked to the bathroom to get ready. It was while I was in the shower that I realised why I had got up and felt suddenly very nervous.

I laughed at myself.

After my morning absolutions, I sat in front of the TV and sipped orange juice. I looked at the post that had been left over the week and watched the news. The weatherman told me to have a nice day but to be warned of the storms coming this evening.

Great I thought. Just what I need! I hated storms since I was a kid.

I walked into the bedroom and looked at the contents of my wardrobe. I wanted something informal but neat. I chose a pair of black jeans, a white vest top and a pale purple three quarter length sleeve shirt which I use as an over shirt.

I knew the museum would have its own air conditioning.

I left my house at 9.45am and was at his apartment block by ten. I parked the car and went up to the main door of the apartment block and buzzed Daniel's apartment. Daniel's voice came over the intercom.


'Hi Daniel, it's me' I said into the intercom grill.

'Come on up.' Daniel replied and the door buzzed.

I pushed and entered. I walked through the stairway and up the three flights of stairs to the level of Daniel's apartment. There, I found Daniel standing by his apartment door.

'Welcome to my humble abode.' he intoned bowing low with one hand on his heart, then looked up and grinned.

I laughed at him and followed him in. While I did that, I took stock of what he was wearing. He looked quite handsome in dark trousers with a dark blue and white cheque shirt. I then noticed the blood.

'Daniel, you are bleeding.'

Daniel frowned.


I pointed to his cheek.

'Oh, first day I have shaved properly. I must have caught the scar,' indicating to the newly healing skin 'I won't be a sec.' and he disappeared into a doorway.

'Help yourself to coffee.' he yelled as I walked into his apartment. It was light and airy with tribal artwork from all over the world around the entire apartment.

I followed my nose to the kitchen area and helped myself to coffee from the percolator.

I then sat down on the settee as Daniel came back in, wiping his face.

'Better? ' He asked, pointing to his cheek.

'I think you will live Daniel.' I laughed.

Daniel grinned, went into the coffee and helped himself to another cup of coffee.

He sat next to me, relaxing into the sofa. I complimented Daniel over his apartment. I get up and take a closer look at his collection. I feel Daniel behind me as I take a look at a wooden elephant. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The dark wood shone and I could see the paternation of the grain. The sculpture, small enough to fit in my hand, was equisitedly carved to capture the soul of the animal.

'I got that from central Africa on an excavation.' Daniel explained, as he must have seen my face.

I nodded silently putting it down. I move to look at other items in the room I admired his fish that swam lazily in their tank. I pass the doorway to his bedrom and quickly peeked into it, noticing the dark colours and the obvious man style bedroom..

I looked at my watch.

'Time to go Daniel.' I said as I walked to my bag and picked it up.

As I walked over to the door, I turn slightly.

'Coming?' I asked.

Daniel nodded


We went to my car and we got in. We arrived at the museum an hour later, Daniel gave me directions, as I had not been to this particular museum. The weather was hot and humid with very little breeze and I was glad to walk into the gothic building that held the museum. The exhibition was advertised around the outside of the building on flags and I marvelled at the architecture, which I thought was beautiful, as I walked up the steps.

The air conditioning was on and the air cool as I entered. I was glad I had put the over shirt on.

We went to the exhibition and walked around it. Daniel was in his element and he found it fascinating. Every so often we would split up to look at different pieces then come back together, excited of what we had seen.

It took us nearly two hours to look around the show, and then Daniel showed me the rest of the museum. He gave me a guided tour of the museum, showing me items and giving me details on how the academic houses thought these items were used.

As we came to the final part of the tour, my stomach rumbled.

'Sorry.' I apologised. 'I think it's time for lunch.'

Daniel smiled.

'Yes, I am hungry too. Let's go find a place to eat.' Daniel agreed.

We saw that opposite the museum was a park. We decided to get some food to make a picnic from a local deli and went to find a place to eat.

Eventually we found a tree by the side of the lake and sat down underneath it. As we sat on the grass, the wind rustled the leaves which gave us dappled light.

As we ate, we talked about the exhibition and the museum. Daniel laughed a few times as he found it funny that even though his knowledge was right, he was still ridiculed for his ideas. He told me he found it hilarious when his colleagues published ideas and they were wrong.

'But don't you find it frustrating Daniel? Not to be able to tell them you were right in the end?' I asked as I sipped the last of my orange juice and threw the last pieces of my sandwiches to the waiting ducks, which quacked appreciatively.

Daniel stopped laughing and put his head on one side.

'I guess.' He replied. 'It's not something I really thought off but I guess the job I am doing now fascinates me more than what the normal establishment could ever give me so I guess that makes up for it.'

He looked up and watched the sunlight as it filtered through the leaves on the tree.

Daniel breathed a huge sigh and closed his eyes. I watched him carefully, not knowing quite what to say.

'I miss this.' He whispered his eyes still closed.

'Miss what?' I asked.

Daniel lowered his head and opened his eyes to look at me. A gentle smile on his face.

'I miss just sharing a moment with someone. I miss the air and the outside. I feel so cooped up sometimes in the base. It can get quite claustrophobic sometimes.'

I nodded in agreement and looked down. I didn't want him to see my emotions. I so wanted to show him how much I cared for him. This last week made me realise how special Daniel was to me even though I did try to fight it. I didn't know if he felt the same and I did not want to embarrass myself, especially after last time.

Just then, I heard beeping.

I turned to look at Daniel. He held a pager in his hand. His statement was one of worry. He got his mobile phone out of his pocket and pressed a number. I stood up and walked over to the water to give the ducks the last of our picnic. I had a feeling it was over and I wanted to give Daniel some privacy with his phone call. After a few minutes, Daniel walked up to me and placed an arm on my shoulder turning me around.

'I need to get back to the base now.' Daniel's face was pale, his voice quiet.

'Fine.' I said as walked back to the tree and I grabbed my bag. 'Let's go.'

'You don't have to come with me.' Daniel said, grabbing my arm.

I shook my head at Daniel

'And who, may I ask is going to take you otherwise? Your car is still at the base.'

Daniel half smiled in acknowledgement.

'Okay.' he said and we went back to my car.

As we drove to the base, Daniel was strangely quiet.

In the end I just had to know.

'Daniel, what's wrong?' I asked as we entered the base entrance and showed our cards to the guards. He waved us through and I parked the car.

'Do you remember me telling you about my grandfather?' Daniel began.

'Yes.' I replied as we walked through the corridors of the base.

'Well, he's come back and he is dying. He wants to see me.'

'Oh God, Daniel!' I gasped as we entered the lift. Daniel pressed a button and the doors shut. We stopped at Daniel's room level.

'Go to my room please Tash. Wait for me there.' Daniel whispered, his voice hoarse and quiet. The doors opened.

I nodded silently and squeezing Daniel's hand for strength and comfort, I left the lift and watched the doors shut on Daniel.

I walked silently to his room, took his key card and placed it into the security slot, opened the door and walked in.

I closed the door, turn on one of the lights on the desk so it gave a soft glow and gently walked around the room in a daze.

Daniel must be feeling awful! Oh God, what an awful thing to happen. Poor Daniel! I thought as I walked around.

I eventually sit down on the bed settee, now put up in the day position. I placed my feet on the sofa and leaned against pillow, grabbing the other for comfort.

I wished I were with him. He had told me his grandfather was the only member left of his family.

I waited patiently, every so often making a cup of coffee. I did not go to the canteen just in case I missed Daniel. I wasn't hungry in any case.

Hours passed and I was just dozing when I heard a tap.

I jumped and leapt from the chair and ran to the door and swung it open.

Daniel stood there, his eyes red, his face full of sorrow. His body was one of dejection and despair.

'He's gone.' he whispered as he shuffled in. Not knowing what to say, I led him to the sofa where he collapsed on it.

I kneeled on the floor, stroking Daniel's face and hair as he looked blankly at me.

'I am alone now. I never thought I would feel like this.' Daniel croaked.

'Oh Daniel,' I whispered reassuringly ' You aren't alone.' I watched the tears well in his eyes, those depths so hurt, so lost.

Daniel burst into tears, burying his face in his hands and his body in the foetal position. Great sobs wracked his body as he let out all the pent up emotion of years. All I could do was whisper, hug, soothe and stroke.

After a considerable time, Daniel looked up at me. His eyes red and his face wet from tears.

He sniffed a few times and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

'Why are you here?' he whispered as he dried his face.

'Because you need a friend Daniel.' I replied, using a tissue to wipe his face.

'Are you a friend?' Daniel asked, his voice quiet and choked by emotion.

I smiled reassuringly at him.

'Yes.' I replied. 'Always.'

Daniel's hand came to the side of my face and stroked my cheek. I leaned into the ministration and shut my eyes.

'Oh Tash' I heard him say. 'What did I do to get a friend like you.'

My mouth opened to say 'You must have done something real bad in a previous life to get a friend like me.' But stopped. This was not the time for humour.

I opened my eyes to see those blue depths. Daniel's face so childlike and so lost.

I wanted to hold him, to show him how much I cared.

Daniel arose from the chair so that he was sitting. He pulled me up onto the seat and sniffed. I handed him another tissue.

'Thanks.' he murmured, then blew his nose.

As I sat next to Daniel. I offered him a drink of water from a glass I was using. He took it from me and sipped it.

'I'm so tired.' he murmured, rubbing his eyes.

I smiled gently at him.

'Then sleep honey. I will be here. I will stay. I won't leave you.' I offered.

'I couldn't possibly. . .'Daniel began but I interrupted.

'Daniel. There is no way in hell I am leaving you tonight, no way, no argument. Okay?'

Daniel nodded his head resignedly and covered his face with his hands. When he looked up again, fresh tears rolled down his cheeks.

'Can we go back to my place. I want some time away from here.'

'Sure.' I agreed.

We made our way to my car; my arm wrapped around Daniel's to guide him. We get in to my car and I make our way back to Daniel's apartment. I switched the light on as we entered it. I did not realise it was so late. Daniel was quiet all the way home. I did not want to disturb him too much.

He sat on his couch and I made a drink for us both. I did not think coffee would be a good idea. Daniel needed sleep not stimulation.

I passed him the hot chocolate and sat beside him.

'Are you hungry?' I asked quietly.

Daniel shook his head.

'No.' he replied. 'I'm more tired than hungry.'

I drank the rest of my chocolate then stood up giving a hand to Daniel.

'Come on Dr Jackson. Time for bed.' I ordered gently. Daniel looked up, noted my hand, grabbed it and stood up.

I led him to his bedroom and gave his pyjamas. He went into the bathroom and I heard the tap running. After a few minutes Daniel looked a little dishevelled but a little calmer. Dressed in pyjamas bottoms, he was a solid figure. I could not help but stare longingly at him.

I pulled the covers back on the bed and motioned Daniel to get in, which he did.

As I turned to leave him, Daniel grabbed my hand.

'I don't want to be alone tonight. Please don't leave me.'

I looked at Daniel, my heart lost to him. How this funny, intelligent man could be so human. Childlike almost.

'Okay,' I whispered.

I walked around the bed and lay on top of the covers. Daniel removed his glasses, placed them on the side table, turned over and watched me.

I reached out for him and Daniel came willingly across the bed to be held in my arms. He sighed as I surrounded him. He placed his head on my shoulder and snuggled into my neck. I felt dampness on my shoulder and I leant back and saw he was crying again silently.

'Daniel? Let it out honey. It's OK to cry.' I whispered into his hair, my arms holding his body next to mine.

I heard him cry, felt his pain, his body racked with sobs. My own silent tears fell. I felt so useless. Here was the man whom I loved and I could do nothing to help heal his pain. All I could do was hold him as a mother holds a child.

Eventually I felt him relax and begin to fall asleep. His breathing became more steady, his tension easing. When I was sure he was asleep, I closed my eyes, silently praying for Daniel to be all right. I then fell asleep myself.


I wake up with a chill. The storm had come and the lightening flashed outside and the thunder roared. I heard the wind outside the apartment howling.

I shivered, as the room was cold.

I tried to get up off the bed but that woke Daniel. I silently cursed myself. He turned over and peered at me.

'What's wrong?' he murmured.

'Nothing.' I whispered. 'Just cold.'

'Then get in and get some sleep.' Daniel replied, as he pulled the covers away. I paused for a minute, and then I slipped my trousers and shirt off but left my T-shirt and underwear on and slid under the quilt.

I felt Daniel coming over to me and as I lay on my side, he laid behind me, his body moulding into mine, his arm wresting across my side, his body warm and so comforting. He then jumped.

'Jeez Tash, your freezing!' he exclaimed harshly.

Daniel placed one arm under my head and surrounded me with his body, trying to warm me up. After a while, I felt sleepy and with the comfort and the warm I do fall asleep feeling safe in the storm.


The next morning I awoke with the sense of calm and feeling that I had had a great sleep. I moved and I felt a presence. Then I remembered.

I very gently turned over to see Daniel fast asleep on his side, facing me. His face that of a child. His eyes were shut, his mouth slightly open.

I smiled to myself and found myself stroking his hair out of his eyes. He murmured and opened his eyes. He saw me and smiled.

'Morning.' he whispered, licking his lips.

'Morning.' I replied, as I stop my ministration.

Daniel shifted over to me slightly and brought his hand up to stroke my face.

'Thanks for being here.' he murmured.

His fingers made me tingle and I smiled slightly.

'I would not have left you Daniel. You were in no fit state to be left.' I replied

Daniel's face neared mine and I closed my eyes as I felt his lips gently on mine. His tentative kiss was replaced by a more certain one and I felt his arms surround me. I kissed him back the second time, letting his tongue work magic around my mouth. I heard a groan and realised it came from me.

I pushed away from Daniel, slightly embarrassed.

'Time to get up Daniel. Want some breakfast?' I asked, my voice shaky as I try to leave the bed.

Daniel grabbed hold of my hand and I turned to look at him.


I smiled at him. He pulled me back onto the bed, and gently held me in his arms.

'Have you got any idea how I have wanted to do that since the first day I saw you,' he growled in my ear, his body hard against mine, his arms surrounding me, hugging me so tight.

He moved his head so that he faced me, his head a few inches away from mine. I felt his breath on my face as I watched his face silently.

'Daniel...' I started but Daniel's mouth stopped any further conversation.

The phone rang.

'Dammit!' Daniel murmured.

I grinned as he kissed me quickly then climbed off the bed and went to answer the phone, which was in the living room.

I followed him, putting my trousers on as I tip toed passed him.

'No, I am fine Sam. Honest.' I heard him say as I put the percolator on and got to clean cups out of the cupboard above.

'Yes, I know. Yes, I am sure. No, I am not alone. I got someone keeping an eye on me. Yeah. I will be back at the base tomorrow. I have a few things to organise first. Yeah. OK, thanks for ringing Sam. Thanks. Ok, bye now.'

Daniel put the phone down, rubbed his hands through his hair and finally over his face, stood up and walked over to where I was.

He then put his arms around me as I poured the coffee into the mugs and added the sugar. I could feel his lips on my neck and shoulders and I nearly drop the spoon.

'You have something's to organise today Daniel.' I reminded him as I turned to give his mug.

Daniel's face fell.

'Yeah, I know. It's strange. I never did this when I lost my parents. Guess I was too young.'

He sipped his coffee and walked into the living area and sat on the sofa.

'Do you want me to stay?' I asked as I got the milk out, poured some into my mug, then after a quick stir, walked over to Daniel.

'I don't want to be alone. Would you mind staying?' Daniel said, his hand rested on mine.

I smiled gently at him.

'Tell you what. Let me get some things from my place and that give's you time to sort a few phone calls out. OK?'

Daniel nodded.


As I left, Daniel held me and kissed me like it would be for the last time. He took my breath away with his kisses and I loved every second.

'See you later.' He murmured into my ear, as he held me tightly.

'I won't be gone for long. Promise.' I whispered.

I went home, had a shower and sorted some clothes out and packed them in my bag. I then checked the post, tidied the house and grabbed some food and ate. I returned to Daniel's flat in less than four hours. I wanted to give him time to sort out the things for his grandfather's burial. I was not family and I didn't want to intrude.

As I came back to Daniel's apartment, I see Colonel O'Neill's car outside. I walked carefully up the stairs to Daniel's apartment and as I neared Daniel's door, it opened and Colonel O'Neill almost barged into me.

'Oh sorry!' he began then looked at me. Then frowned and looked at Daniel. Then looked at me again.

'Do I know you?' he asked.

Daniel came forward just then.

'Jack, you met Natasha in the Medlab?'

Colonel O'Neill frowned then his face changed to incredulous.

'Well, I'll be...' he began.

'You were just leaving Jack.' Daniel interrupted as he pushed Jack out of the door further so I could get in. 'Thanks for coming by. I will keep your idea in mind!' I heard him call as I heard footsteps lead down the hallway.

I put my bag in the bedroom and walked out to see Daniel shutting the door and walk towards me.

He stood in front of me, his eyes tender, his mouth open. Then as he raised his hands to surround my face, his face lowered itself onto mine and he showed me how much he had missed me in that one kiss.

As we parted, Daniel held me tightly.

'Sorry about that.' He murmured into my ear and kissed it.

'Well, if we are going to get together I guess they would have found out sooner than later' I chuckled.

I lean back from him and look at his face.

'How did you get on?' I asked, 'Got things sorted?'

Daniel nodded.

'Yes.' He replied. ' The funeral will be the day after tomorrow. He will be buried next to my folks.'

I watched his face, the pain still fresh in his memory and it showed on his statement.

I stroked his face gently with my hands then put my arms around his neck and hugged him.

'What do you want to do now?' I said as I stepped back.

Daniel smiled gently at me.

'I guess I need to go to the base and sort out the papers he brought back. He had no where to live here apart from the hospital so there is no personal stuff apart from a bag he had when he came back. I need to sort it out.'

'OK.' I nodded. 'Do you want to do it today?'

Daniel nodded again.

I made Daniel some lunch and we ate. Then we left for the base.

Daniel came into his room carrying his grandfather's bag. He carefully put it down on the desk. I watched silently as he paused, stroking the fabric carefully then he opened the flap and reached in.

He brought out a journal and a diary. Some pens and a wallet. He put them all on the desk.

Daniel opened the wallet.

'Oh God.' He gasped as he pulled out some black and white photographs. I got up and walked up to Daniel, placing a hand on his arm.

I looked at what his hand held. The photographs were of his parents and his grandfather with Daniel as a small child. They looked worn, as though looked at and pondered over time and again.

A single tear began to fall down Daniel's cheek and I wiped it away.

'I never knew...' he whispered.

'Oh Daniel...' I whispered, 'You always knew he loved you.'

Daniel nodded silently.

'He told me he was sorry for what he had done. He said he wished he had more time to stay with me and get to know me better.' Daniel said after a minute. He sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

Daniel then put the photographs in his own wallet. Then looking at the books and the diary, he gently smiled.

'He said he would make lots of notes.'

I looked at Daniel.

'Best get to work Dr Jackson. It's what your grandfather wanted you to do.'

Daniel shook his head.

'Okay.' He said resignedly. 'Let's go back to my place though okay. It will be more comfortable and I would rather be there with you in private than here in the mountain.'

'Fine with me.' I agreed.

Daniel kissed my mouth gently, then kissed my forehead and held me for a second.


No regrets - chapter 4

That evening Daniel was still engrossed in his grandfather's book. I left him to it as I listened to some music on my personal CD player that I had brought with me. Finally, I had to obey my stomach, which was grumbling furiously and went up to Daniel, surrounding his shoulders with my arms and nuzzled his neck by his ear.

'Hmm?' Daniel murmured, not looking up.

'You hungry cause I am? Want me to cook something?' I said as I watched him write notes from the journal.

Daniel leant up and placed his hands on mine then turned and allowed me to kiss him on the lips this time.

'Yeah.' He said, his voice tired.

With a final hug, I went to the kitchen and prepared a quick stir fry with some of the contents from Daniel's kitchen cupboards.

As the garlic and spices odours came wafting into the apartment, Daniel must have felt it was time to take a break and so wandered into the kitchen as I placed the noodles into a pan of boiling water.

He sniffed appreciatively over the bubbling wok and put a lazy arm around my waist. I turned and grinned, then concentrated on the rest of the ingredients.

'Go find some wine. This won't be long.' I said as I stirred the wok and it sizzled as I added the final vegetables.

'Hmm that smells so good!' Daniel inhaled, then tapped my bottom as he turned to go to the fridge.

'Hey!' I said.

Daniel just smiled and picked the white wine out of the fridge, closed the door and placed it on the side. He rummaged through the cutlery draw till he found the bottle opener and opened the bottle.

I heard it give a satisfying thunk as the cork came out. I dished out the meal on two plates that I had got out of the cupboard and then walked over to the table. Daniel followed.

As we ate, he told me what he had found out so far and that these aliens could be helpful to the cause to fight the Gou'ald but he had to do some research and some referencing. He would do that tomorrow at the base.

The meal was soon eaten and the wine was gone. We laid together on the couch listening to some rhythm and blues. Daniel's arms enclosed my body, as we lay on there, just relaxing after what seems a strange day to both of us.

After a little while, Daniel stretched his neck back and groaned.

'What's up?' I asked.

'Stiff neck. Too much sitting looking at those books. What with everything else my neck and shoulders are killing me.' Daniel moaned as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Without saying a word, I got up and grabbed Daniel's hand. He looked at me questioningly but accepted and followed me into the bedroom. I let go of his hand.

'Shirt off Daniel. I have just the thing' I said as I rummaged through my bag and brought forth a bottle of vanilla scented massage oil.

Daniel watched me but undid the buttons of his shirt and pulled it off his body.

'Lay face down on the bed.' I commanded. Daniel grinned.

'Yes nurse.' He replied and did as he was bid.

I straddled Daniel's form just below his waist and applied the oil in my hands. I put the bottle down and rubbed the oil together to warm it, then gently began to massage his neck and shoulders, working the knots I felt out of his muscles.

Daniel groaned and relaxed totally into my ministrations.

I followed the massage down the back and up again repeatedly.

I had learned massage as a side course for nursing as an alternative therapy. I always knew it would come in use one day.

After twenty minutes, Daniel did not move. I finished my ministrations and leant forward and whispered in his ear,

'Are you awake?'

'Yes.' Daniel murmured.

'Turn over. I will do the front if you like.' I offered as I climbed off his legs.

Daniel turned over and lay there. His physical appearance I absorbed with appreciation. In my eyes, he had the perfect body, lean but not overly muscular.

Though I had loved the ministrations I had given him when I did his back, I could tell I was going to enjoy this more.

Daniel glanced through half opened eyes and chuckled.

'You look like a wolf about to make her kill.'

I laughed and poured more oil onto my hands.

This massage was for more my pleasure than his and we both knew it. I enjoyed the way his body moved under my fingers, how he groaned when I massaged his stomach muscles and felt my own arousal rising inside me. I loved the feel of his skin, the hardness of his body, smell of the oil combine with person whom I was sharing this experience.

I stopped gently, allowing Daniel to relax. I climbed off the bed, put the top back on the bottle and placed it on the side table.

I heard movement behind me and I turned, Daniel was right next to me his face the statement of wanting something . . . someone badly.

In one movement he surrounded my body with his arms and his lips joined mine, his tongue demanding entrance which I gave readily.

As he savoured my mouth, his hands pulled my top up and over my head and growled when he brought me to him. His body, still covered with a slight sheen of oil slid over mine and I revelled in it. I allowed my own hands to stroke and caress his bare back as his did the same to mine.

I felt my bra being unclasped and I let it fall to the floor. As my bare breasts touched Daniel's skin, I groaned and pulled away from Daniel's mouth.

I gasped heavily as he pulled me hard towards him, his mouth and hands making their way to my breasts, which at this point, where waiting for his touch. When it came, I clung to him as the pleasure rolled over me.

I inhaled his scent as my own lips discovered Daniel's skin. It tasted salty and I relished the sensation of his skin against mine. His tongue and lips coaxing my sensitive breasts to become more aroused than before.

His hand's tentatively stroked the sides of my breasts and I moaned as the sensation's ripple through me. Each gentle caress taking my breath away.

Through half open eyes, I saw Daniel's face, a small smile on his lips as he hears me. I could feel his arousal evident, its hardness pushing against my abdomen.

As I caressed and licked Daniel's neck and shoulders, I made my way downwards so that I could get to his nipples. And heard him hiss as I teased them with my lips, teeth and tongue.

He intertwined his hands into my hair and shoulders as I made a lazy trail across his neck and chest, my hands making sensuous strokes across his back and torso.

As I came across Daniel's stomach with my hands, he suddenly burst out laughing and writhed.

I stood a step back and looked curiously at him.

'I'm ticklish!' Daniel chuckled, then he suddenly pushed me back and I fell backwards onto the bed. Daniel followed so he ended up straddling me, his hands holding my wrists. I giggled and tried to get away from him but it was useless.

I cried out as Daniel's mouth made its way around my neck then to my mouth. His tongue leaving a snail trail that felt wonderful. He made his way from my mouth, down my neck then to my breasts. His hot mouth took one of my nipples and began to suck and scrape.

I shut my eyes, as the pleasure built and I arched against him, desperately trying to make contact with Daniel's body with my own.

Daniel finally lets go of my wrists so that he could go to my zip and undo my trousers, his lips and tongue following his fingers when he pulls the zip apart.

I found myself shifting my hips upwards, unquestioningly, so that he may pull my clothing down. He left my knickers on and I moaned at this.

Daniel kneeled upwards and looked longingly at me.

'I need you Tash. You know me better than anyone else now. Even SG1. God woman, have you got any idea what you do to me?' Daniel came down, kissed me passionately then rose again.

'You have the gentlest of souls. You treat me as a human being, not just a SG1 member, not an archaeologist but a human. That means so much to me.' He whispered hoarsely.

I looked at him, my wonderful doctor. I knew there was no way I could repay in words what he had just said to me so I sat up and kissed his stomach, making it judder. I undid his zip and as I pulled his trousers down, I kissed his belly button, making him chuckle again.

His arousal was very evident and as I had the perfect position, I pulled his boxers down as well and admired his manhood, which stood hard and dusky pink and it brushed against my breasts.

I tentatively stroked him with my fingers and he jumped. I giggled, then wrapped my arms around Daniel's hips, the tip of his manhood was near my mouth and I kissed the end of it. Then using my lips, tongue and hands, I made lazy trails around him. The hot hard flesh throbbed in my mouth, his salty juices tasted wonderful. I felt Daniel tense and groan loudly.

'Oh God . . . Natasha!' he hissed as I sucked and teased his tense member, making his hips buck.

I heard Daniel growl as I felt him push me back onto the bed. Daniel leant forward and made his way up my inner thigh and I gasped and writhed under his touch, unable to move too much as his body lay on my legs.

My toes curled as he kissed my hips and abdomen. Then I felt my knickers gently slip down with his face and fingers following.

I jolted as Daniel's mouth came into contact with my sensitive flesh and I groaned loudly. Daniel, sucked, nibbled and teased me and I gave into the rushes he gave. I screamed his name in desperation, not knowing if I could take much more, my hands gripping the bed sheet, my body arched against his mouth.

His gently fingers explored my hot, wet, flesh and I felt a single finger enter me.

'Oh . . . yes, Daniel. . . please!' I begged as he inserted another finger.

'Please!' I cried out as I felt the tension build, my own body bucking with the pleasure he was giving me.

Daniel shifted his body so that is was over mine, removing his fingers at the same time and I instantly ached for the loss only to be filled again as Daniel slowly moved his hips and he entered me.

I groaned loudly as he rubbed against my inner walls. Daniel held his weight on his arms. He panted and his skin was damp, as was mine, from our lovemaking.

He began slowly, almost tentatively, with long deep strokes, both of us enjoying the touch and the thrill our bodies were making.

Soon, as we became more certain, we let ourselves give up our inhibitions, he thrust into me, grinding his hips into mine and I matched his pace equally. I could feel all the wonderful places he touched inside and out, the tip of his manhood rubbing against the most sensitive area and I wrapped my legs around his body, making Daniel drive himself further into me.

Our breathing became ragged, our bodies glistening as our sweat mingled as both our passions grew.

Daniel was a seductive and experienced lover and made me stay at near orgasm for what seemed an eternity.

His pace quickened as he slightly tilted his hips so that his body rubbed against mine and as the first wave came crashing into my body, making it explode with pleasure, I shook violently, unable to control my own body and screamed his name. Another came almost instantly afterwards, and I rode with it.

I then felt his body tense and his pace quicken again and I knew he was near himself. I bucked my hips into him, driving him harder into me.

'Oh God . . . yes, yes' Daniel shouted as his body began to buck and he succumbed. I held him tightly as Daniel had his own waves to ride.

When it was all over, Daniel slowly rested himself on my body. We lay there, panting but I felt warm and safe within this man's arms.

After a few minutes, our bodies were entwined, wet with sweat and lovemaking. I felt Daniel's lips brush against my neck and ear. I smiled and stroked his back, making his hips jump. I heard Daniel chuckle in my ear and he kissed my cheek, then my lips.

'No regrets?' he asked.

I kissed Daniel on the end of his nose making him smile.

'No, no regrets.' I replied.

'I don't want to move.' Daniel whispered as he leant on his arms again, brushing my hair out of my face and kissed me again.

I moved my hips as I could still feel him in me and smiled.

'I don't want you to move either.' I chuckled.

Eventually, we did move, but our bodies were still entwined, Daniel's body around mine almost protectively.

I smiled gently as I watched him close his eyes and sigh.

'I love you Daniel Jackson.' I said as I watched his face give away any statement on how he felt.

He smiled, then he opened his eyes. His face full of tenderness and love

'I love you too Tash.' He whispered, then gently kissed me and hugged me.

I fell asleep in those arms and for the first time in my whole life I felt loved.


If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to Hayley Rust
This story archived at