Reviews For A Time to Keep

Name: Janice (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.03.29 14:38 · Für: A Time to Keep
I'm really surprised no one has "reviewed" this story.  It's quite good; there are not enough stories about how Sam must have felt after being kidnapped.  One thing I've noticed in other stories is the authors place more importance on the fact that Jack was shot rather than on the fact that Sam was kidnapped.  Sort of like Jack's attitude at the beginning of your story - kidnapped? Big deal; she's military; she'll tough it out!  I can't believe Jack was idiot enough to say or even believe something like that.  And then to try to dismiss Daniel's concerns at first.  However, he certainly redeemed himself when he finally got the point that she was close to an emotional breakdown - the kidnapping coming so close after the incident with the "entity" and all that business with Orlin (the latter being yet another 'unfair' to Sam story, as far as I was concerned).  Anyways, just wanted you to know I enjoyed this story.  It's going in my "favorites".  Thanks.

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