Reviews For Point of Few

Name: xxx (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.05.08 01:14 · Für: Point of Few

I've read a lot of stories in my life, tens of thousands, but this one was the worst yet.

It's not the Sam/Other pairing, I wouldn't even look at it if I was bothere by the pairing, but it's the way it was written.

The whole Sam/Dog-ate  thing is written in a way that comes across as very forced, as if yourself are unsure of this pairing and are trying to forcefully convince yourself and force the idea that these two could be in love down our throats.

There are so many cliches in this and while cliches aren't automatically bad, here they are because they are way overboard and used in a ludicrous and laughable way.

I mean, Sam falling in love with Dogate immediately?  Mulder saying Dogate is a better man? And that suddenly ,out of the blue and without any reason at all?

From the way it was written I can sense you loved Doggett on the show and hated Mulder. As you also seem to hate O'Neill. And I got that just from the way you wrote them talk, react, behave. Doggett, who proved himself very narrow minded and rigid on X-files is here written as if he's a God.

I mean, Sam wondering how many times he made her cum? How many times he was able to get it up? The man is over 45, for crying out loud! He'd be lucky if he'd get it up twice in a day. 

And then that stupid, laughable scene where they talk about finding the Sam and John from their own realities?

And O'NEill shouldn't have done that? What are you on? He's Sam's CO and has full right to demand access to her location. Sam has no right to bar him from trying to reach her location. And Sam having sex on base, especially while on duty, is ILLEGAL according to UCMJ. He had full right to courts-martial her, not just know about the fact that she's fucking someone while on base.

Okay, this is a short summary of many reasons why this is the worst story I've read in my life (I could do a proper one, but I find it stupid to waste more time and effort on this poor excuse for a story). 

Please, either reconsider your whole style of writing and cool down a little on deifying Doggett and Sam, or stop writing for good. Nothing is better than complete crap, which is what this is. 

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