
Name: Pink Patches (Anonymous) · Datum: 2012.01.27 06:32 · Für: Chapter 4: Vacation With the One You Love
Really good job with the Aliens. Nice work.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reviewing.

Name: fadetoblackandblue (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.26 19:14 · Für: Chapter 5: Over But Not The End

 feel bad for Ali. What a sad story.

Carolyn and Evan story is ON FIRE! Nice!

I feel for my girl Vala and all her baggage.

Cam and Evan you can cut the testosterone with a knife hahaha

Author's Response: Thank you so much for following the stories. I have really enjoyed writing them. And I appreciate that you read and review. Thanks again.

Name: fadetoblackandblue (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.26 19:11 · Für: Chapter 4: Vacation With the One You Love

Excelent scenes for all the characters. The alien stuff is pretty wild, but don't hold back. It's good stuff.

I am seeing a whole new side to Dr. Lam.

And I'm really liking the new scientist too

Name: fadetoblackandblue (Signed) · Datum: 2012.01.26 19:06 · Für: Chapter 2: Change of Plans

Wow! Cam/Vala scene at the end gets a 10.

Followed this story from FF. I am really enjoying the AO bits.

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